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john rah kitchen studio productions

kill the enemy: written by john rah

<start of kill the enemy written by john rah>

kill the enemy

<start course>

learn to hate the enemy.
kill the other kind.
fly your flag of ignorance.
sell their blood for wine.

<end course>

see it on the tv.
information is our food.
someone's doing bad things.
read it in the news.

need another fighter jet.
to get us in the mood.
we know the bad guys out there.
'cause we saw it on the news.

<start course>

learn to hate the enemy.
kill the other kind.
fly your flag of ignorance.
sell their blood for wine.

<end course>

need another ship and tank.
we heard our leader say.
a few more guided missiles.
blow them monsters away.

we're going to be in big trouble.
if we can't bring them to a stop.
the poor man pays his life.

<start course>

learn to hate the enemy.
kill the other kind.
fly your flag of ignorance.
sell their blood for wine.

<end course>

we believe what we hear.
programmed to what they say.
shut the library and the school.
it don't matter anyway.

sprinkle bombs on the enemy.
that's what we believe.
better to eliminate all of them.
lest we be deceived.

<start course>

learn to hate the enemy.
kill the other kind.
fly your flag of ignorance.
sell their blood for wine.

<end course>

<end kill the enemy: written by john rah>

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