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john rah kitchen studio productions

where are you going written by john rah

<start where are you going by john rah>

where are you going

where are you going,
walking with your head down?
keep your head up and watch.
there's no light on the ground.

have you been waiting for guidance?
are you discontented with the game?
did you give in when they leaned on you?
are you looking for something to blame?

those who would make you submissive
are the evil ones.
those who offer you security
are the frightened ones.
those who proclaim the only truth
are the false ones.
those who would have the way fixed
are the lost ones.

the way is not written.
there is no lock on the door.
if someone offers a key,
throw it down on the floor.

you must walk the path unguided.
let your awareness show you the way.
keep your life in your own hands.
be alive to the fullest all of your days.

<end where are you going by john rah>

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