in and around the savannah of the rupununi and a bit of jungle.

...a visit with the amerindians during amerindian heritage month.

Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun.
Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun.
Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun.
Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun. Between Georgetown and the Hinterlands sits the Rupununi burning under equatorial sun.
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