john rah letter to

letter 01.32.01

a couple days ago, i was tripping on my feet. not falling. enjoying one more chance to walk bare foot before the sun leaves for the far south. and saw a boy stomping on little piles of dirt. molls maybe. never thought about it. he told his dad that he was der vernichter. the destroyer. i laughed. little boys are like that. i had a new toy car. doors and trunk opened. hood. made out of fairly heavy metal. an accident happened to it. it ran into me and a rock. i bashed the shit out of it. i can remember thinking about it not going back to how it was before my drama.

my parents didn't say much about it. but it was the last present i ever got till i finally escaped from the orphanage they sent me to. run by wolves.

_peace duck stop_

what fuckin' ever. my history teacher, canadian history. as if there was some that mattered. beaver hunters and other adventure seekers. puritan christians occupying the land. what are these indians doing here. did we pass china. did we miss the fact that ships were taking drugs and other things to the rich in north east africa.

anyway, beth. sane people. there aren't any. only degrees of madness.

_peace duck stop_

many years i did not listen to pink floyd. i was deep enough. now i listen to the one produced with allen parson. you can say what you want. in most countries. even in the usa people openly call bushit a few of the things he is. a fuckin' arrogant prick lunatics. probably the most talk about president in history. loved by few. despised by many.

history lies. but still we must try to write it.

i usually would have stopped there. go half watch a bad movie on my computer. they only have a few stories. i bought a comedy a while back. for something without violence. someone get's scalped. and it wasn't at all funny. scalping was never funny. not the laugh funny. odd. it is a bit odd how fuckin' violent we are toward one another.

now i'll stop. come back later with other music.

_peace duck stop_

the bartender was playing america pie. don mac clain. was it. anyhow, someone who was unaware of the 70's. someone from a different generation. asked who was covering madonna. who's watching the police. who's that guy playing the president of america. king shit on the cnn shitsitcom. why, it's just a stunned double.

we take you back to the streets of washington. a knife flashes in the street light under the video camera. everywhere is under video camera. another knife flashes as a siren is heard in the distance. a bullet snaps through the window, cutting off a few strands of hair.

letter 01.32.03