john rah letter to

letter 01.32.02

i see the man as i lean to my left. his eye had left the sight and the next bullet went high into the wall.

by the time i hit the floor, i rolled a joint, smoked it. ate a grilled cheese.


beth, if i knew what i was doing i'd do something different. that's the nice thing about writing. i never know what i'm doing. or what's coming. or if i'll get layed. or paid. make the grade. clean the cage. make the rave. have the rage to fill the page hoping to get to the part of the story where i stop writing it. to be it.

acting like me as far as i've figured out.

_peace duck stop_

she didn't say i see you and i get wet. she said i get wet then i see you. in german. and it was a hot summer day. she in a hot summer dress. a seldom event.

i won't explain details and parameters. just that sort of thing stays embedded in my head. and my thoughts try to go. she.

_peace duck stop_

i love it when women, other creatures too, charm me.

_bunny stop_

some people hear bruce springstien and say it sounds like meat loaf. or corn chowder. meat used bruce's band and the same formula with a little more drama. a classic even if it wasn't so original. nothing new under the sun.

so for reasons of national security, we will have everything monitored.

and if enemies aren't found, they will be created.

_flower stop_

beth, i hope you are enjoying your life. we're pretty lucky to be born. in a free land. if you can afford it.

fuck the media. it's mindfuck. it is our civil duty to disagree. with anything.

i met someone who knew he was an alien. he didn't know how come or what. he just woke to the idea.

whatever is happening to our species, it is happening extremely fast. it is not a bad idea to take a look at it.

i'm just guessing. like what nietzsche was saying. the over man. we are evolving. out of necessity for survival. we are aware that it is us. we, one species. no gods. being forced to adapt to critical situations. like dinosaur domination. ice ages. genocide. chemical poisoning of the planet. religions and political and military hatred.

so how to survive the monster machine that we're slaved to make.

take a wild guess. you might have it.

love john rah