john rah letter to
big boy

back to 01.18.01

the most powerful merchants will stab you in the back to protect their hoard. in fact, they will make religions and politics their marketing.

i'm sorry. i know this sounds redundant. it is slavery what we have here. to a kill and destroy system. that is as they have whispered or screamed through the ages. slaughtering the masters, unfortunately, will not help. the system will simply replace them. it has to burn from the bottom up. all at once. making certain records are well stored. and no one gets hurt.

it doesn't matter if the corporate world crashes. they like to make us think they are necessary.

they ain't. nice try. it didn't work. no hard feelings.

unless you one of the majority on the planet, who if lucky enough to have some of the allotted water, go hungry working to pay off whatever.

it is great where i am.

but it is busting open everywhere. and you don't wanna sink a planet.

_flower stop_

i heard someone once give a testimony about being saved from drowning by and angel. either he was lying or he was mistaken. though he may actually have been. even if it was the angel in his own self.

my angel has saved me from a different kind of drowning. in a sea of hopelessness. the most dangerous of all the waters. and she and her angel friends have no idea. but they come each time, and never call me on my constant falling in. they just say something so that i have to swim to hear what they are saying.


i never realized until writing 20 years, there is little fiction in literature. the person who wrote it doesn't matter. the people in the story are soon dead. it is a story what humans do. each writer adds his or her perspective. there is only the one story for us.

and that's us. turning it around backwards so it will work now and in 10,000 years. if we don't adjust our direction to make the next 10,000 years possible, we are killing those who won't get their chance at it.

so they can.

we are too greedy still to have the technology we have. we are being lead by the myopic blood suckers.

so buy hemp. let's get the oil from the earth kill industry turned off.

fast. possible is anything that can be. we make it.

_bunny stop_

letter 01.18.03