john rah letter to
big boy

back to 01.18.02

the nice thing about being blatantly honest is one doesn't have to waist time wondering what one said to who.

_duck stop_

because of where i come from and what i've witnessed, it is my civil duty to slag christianity and the usa. it does not mean i support other religions or military ruled political entities. it's pretty well the same thing everywhere.

same shit, different assholes.

they like to kill off the intellects.

especially if they have a clear picture.


_duck stop_

ring. alles weg.

backtrack. usually works.

i think, though i've tried to resist believing anything, that life has much more magic in it than we dare see. for fear of being a witch or sorcerer. they can attempt to hold a lie over the obvious. eventually it gets too thin and someone will always come along and see through it. life makes some humans like that. her attempt at survival.

i must admit, though i see quite clearly how it is, i still find it hard to see how it got this far without something happening.

the only aliens are us.

_bunny stop_

the trouble i have with star wars and star track is that it is so wrong. they.

_duck stop_

from 6 years old, i knew something was major wrong here. big business has to dissolve into smaller parts. less slaughtering of innovation.

like spike said. do the right thing.

it is not right for living creatures to attempt to end life with a death lie. there's money to be made in antikult. if what they are doing is wrong. i'd rather try stick to basic survival rules. if the criminals want to shut me up.

well, to tell the truth.

i'll go play blues guitar and write harmless children's books.

but no one will notice.

history shows.

that gives us a small advantage.

peace, brother john rah