Letter to Krissy: full of raves, rants, poetry, chants, discourse, stories, sound and furry, signifying nothing.

Letter to Laetitia:
Past the middle point.


At least not until the next book. This is the book where genius surfaces from the cesspool of my festering spirit. My unconscious shines through my jaded shell. The darkness of my


"What Fish?"

"The darkness of your fish."

"I don't have a fish."

"You don't have a fish?"


"How do you expect to get on without a fish."

"Get on without a fish? I've been bleeding well getting on without a fish for a time now."

"Not very well though."

"Fart pretzels."

"Pork fish."

"Blow fish."

Laetitia, do you know Dr. Zuess?

'One fish
Two fish
Red fish
Blue fish

Dr. Zuess is mega groovy.



"Shut up and get some sleep."

_bunnie stop_

Strangely enough, you make more money in a day's work than I do in a year. Stranger is, it matters in our society. For me to honestly believe I could win the love of a super model millionaire, the world at her feet woman, I must be a little off my rocker.


"Don't know any buts now."

Richy listened to me go off about Barbaralba, which I think I better start putting to print. He doesn't want her cutting any throats with glass. I wasn't going to let him mess up my connection between kicking out the window and grabbing glass and we went through it already in the last book here.

But he's right and Barbaralba is not a killer. She's a fighter for reality, not a judge of morality.

Part of the reason she can't kill is that she might become a little cult.

"You still with us Steve?"

"Sure, I was just thinking."

"Don't think too much."

Laetitia. My biggest fear is that you don't like reading. I mean, I don't know what you like, but I really hope you like to learn and concern yourself for the world outside your castle.

Inhalt, content.

It's pretty mad these days to call yourself a philosopher or a social political analyzer or anything. No one will buy it. They buy comics.

"Give 'em comics."

"Let them eat mock chicken."

_bunnie stop_

I told you about the father of the Indian up in the tree. There is a woman in the states doing it the last 2 years. Living in a tree, hoping they won't cut it down. Julia, holy fuck. It already is war. The police torture those crazy people who want to have a few trees on the planet.

Reality Fighter against the planet killers.

_bunnie stop_

Now let's get this strait.

We live on a planet with a thin layer of atmosphere where we find a few trees on a few pieces of land. WE have bodies we have evolved over a few millions years. These bodies depend on air, water and food. Not to mention a few other things which won't matter until the first three criterion are filled.

Our biggest trouble is that we are so impossibly retarded and ignorant that we have forgotten that these three factors still play a role in the new world we have created around us.

This new would says power, money and entertainment are the most important criterion for a life on this planet. No one is sure who made this new world and very few see any immediate danger in our conduct. In fact, people who concern themselves about air, water and food are considered nuts, nature freaks, or criminals and deserve to be tortured and if possible, painfully executed.

It's a criminal offense to want to protect the last few trees on the planet.

We are taught that reality is wrong and fantasy is fun.

The only trouble with forgetting about the fact that air, water and food are essential to life is that we are all going to be fuckin' dead, no matter how much fuckin' money we have, how much fuckin' money we have how much
power a few killer - destroyers have and it won't be so entertaining when we drive over the toxic waist land and see a sign that says, this
sign was made out off the last tree. Guess what, you're fuckin' dead.

So when you hear about some nutter up a tree screaming don't cut down the tree, remember if you don't support that nutter, you are dead.

One simple equation for the idiots of the world. Do the world a favor and kill yourselves, you money hungry power demented planet destroyers.

_bunnie stop_

Let's try it in dialogue between Barbaralba and the Indian. I'll give him a name when I think of one.

This is 3rd or 2nd issue.

"You will have a bit of a scar."

"How did you get your scar there."

The Indian let his hair fall over the long scar on the side of his face.

"My father took action against a lumber company that was cutting down some of the last virgin forest in America. I was trying to support him in the courts but there was no money to fight the lawyers of the lumber company."

"You got the scar in court."

"No, the case was lost, the police were ordered to remove my father from his tree house. I made the mistake of organizing a demonstration, we had chained ourselves to the tree and tried to explain to the lumberjacks that they were being fools to murder the planet for a pocket full of paper money.

The police put chemicals in our eyes and beat us. I spit in the face of one of the police who was beating my 14 year-old cousin. "Fuckin' Red Skinned Savage", he said and put a chain saw up beside my head and explained to me that he might just want to cut my savage head off.

I told him he was an idiot slave to a murdering power greed dictatorship or something like that. His friend hit me with the butt end of his rifle into the chain saw. Three weeks later I woke in a hospital. My father was dead and the wood of the 2,000 year-old trees were on their way to Japan."

"So you live in the desert now."

"After 6 years in jail for my crimes."

"How long have you been alone."

"People like me are always alone."

_bunnie stop_

I'm tempted to put George Lucas in the same boat as Bill Gates. The boat is the one just for people with too much money and power and not enough style and feeling.

I know I don't have to buy a PC and I likely never will again, It was my own stupidity to believe that a billion-dollar company could make a product worth selling. Windows is a crime against the masses. It is a big lie. I have a new 3,8000 mark PC that I don't use because it doesn't function. I'm sure if I was a computer genius, I could fix it but I'm not and none of the computer cracks I know can figure it out.

But since Bill is more powerful than most nations, I as a simple consumer with no power or money, can jump up and down and scream and Bill won't give a second to notice me. He doesn't know there is one unhappy customer and he doesn't care. He has control of the market and has us all stupid.

I never was a big fan of Star Wars, they are all a little trite and made for 6 year olds who just want to see far out and exciting space adventures. Somehow it was fair enough and the films, the 4, 5, 6 ones, could be watched and in some way enjoyed. The actors seemed to enjoy the films and it was fun to watch them be a little silly and human.

This new one is a big crock of shit. It is so terrible that I'm embarrassed to have paid money to see it. The actors weren't acting, they were just as much robots to George's inconsiderate whims as the animation were to the computer programmers whims. The computer animation was actually the only thing worth watching because it was so grand and realistic.

I've heard that George has become a dictator and allows the actors no freedom. It is obvious when one watches the film. The computer characters have more character than the characters. It's an affront to humanity and I don't know what all.

I don't know if the actors are all terrible actors because I don't know any of them. It looked more like they weren't allowed to act. They were only allowed to say what George told them to say and were obviously only acting for the money they were paid.

A shame really. I can't even write an article about it because there is nothing to comment on. Except for the computer tricks, it was one of the most pathetic films I've ever seen. The film shows us that we as the consumer want to see big action and -

And forget it. George, you failed. The movie sucks because you think you are God and know how everything should be. You should be ashamed of yourself, calling yourself a director and having resources that few on the planet have just so you can made a big pile of shit to sell to the fools who believe in you.

Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned. When power and money make it possible for some mortals to play the roll of God, they become evil dictators demanding worship rather than performing to achieve admiration.

Perhaps you and Bill can quit your fooling around and buy a continent and show yourselves as you truly are: demented magalomaniacal, life and reality destroying despotic dictators.

_bunnie stop_

It's no news that God is dead, meaning actually that there is no god and if there was one it would be necessary to kill it. I don't want to discuss the fact that there is no god right now, if you haven't managed to get around that big farce yet, you still have much to learn, or better said, unlearn.

Perhaps it is no big secret that the odd wise man has mentioned that he, or she, has spent 40 years learning that he doesn't know anything. If you catch it with 40, that's still not bad.

Of course most people are too dumb to stop to think about anything. It is how it is. Be stupid and follow the crowd. If we all believe in God, which ever one, then that's okay, I have my double moral standard, can murder and be forgiven, have no fear of death, and know I am superior over others because their god is shitty.

All of which I don't care to deliberate on even though I seem to be doing it anyway. What I want to point out is that we are being lied to and entertained to death. We are a bunch of dumb turkey happy if there is some kind of noise or colour or smells. I don't want to talk about George Lucas and his biggest bullshit movie of the year or about Bill Gates and his bullshit, in fact, I don't have a fuckin' clue what it is I wanted to say.

It had something to do with our idiocy. Or blind following and willing slavery to a suicidal life.

Perhaps we will dare to mention oil. The lie that makes Bill -

Holly Fuck, the Jehovahs again. Someone is always ready to tell you why you are wrong and they are right. Perhaps they are right in suggesting what I believe is wrong, but I am certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that my wrongness in no way gives any merit to their most stubborn belief.

I'm sitting on a bench in a park, reading Nietzsche to practice my German, taking time out to write about the death of a planet because of the greed of the oil powers that have taken control of the world with lies, murder and terrorism and two bone heads want to sell me god, the story about 6 thousand years of Adam and Eve and God said.

"Bla bla bla," he said to me, noticing that I was writing.

"I won't believe what you tell me," I told him strait off. "I don't believe in God and am not going to start today."

I mean even if I believed in god, it wouldn't mean I liked him. In fact,
God can be dam glad he doesn't exist; I'd have a few things to say to him. The same old shit every time with, "Look at a dog, can you get that out of a glass of water, God made the universe, then made the Earth and planted Adam and Eve on it. They fucked for 900 years, making 900 children who didn't even recognize each other when they met in foreign lands and fucked and had kids and King Solomon was the wisest man and fucked 700 tarts until a few of the foreigners, stinking low life, not our god fearing, foreigners gave him a blow job and made him wonder if their god was okay. I mean I'll believe someone's God is okay as long as my cock is in someone’s mouth.

What's funny is a day ago I thought I'd like to talk to some God freaks but I've had enough. It's like talking to a wall. Get over it, there is no god, just fuckin' lying bastards who want to keep you the stupid idiots that you are so they can fuck us up and make us slaves to their lust for control, greed and power. You have been told. It is a lie, they all are liars, the oil companies in the mean time, with some of their friends have raped the land, killed the life and many people on it and they are brutal monsters and no one seems to care.

I mean, I don't believe in God so why should I care, I'll be gone in a few years.

Because it is pretty, or it used to be before assholes like Adam and Eve came along.

_bunnie stop_

Somehow, a television has ended up in my house. It's Richy's. It was brought here when Toby was here and we wanted a weekend of Tekon lll, where you kick the shit out of each other. I plugged it in to see if I got any channels. Now I have to look to get rid of it, take it back. The trouble is, late night movies on the government channels are without commercials and usually good films. And so I watch one or two films, I think I've been a fan of films since I was a kid. I remember pretending to be sick some afternoons so I could stay home to watch the afternoon movie.

When all the movies are on Internet, or Overnet, I'll likely burn my eyes out on film.

Or not. Perhaps I will be sitting with my love and studying the way the light from the fire moves on her supple breasts.

"Did you take the garbage out."

"Ya ya."

Then I'll take the fire poker and smash her on the head.

"Sorry, wrong film."

"Tune in next time for the return of the nihilistic neanderthaloids and their big joke where they decide to make a religion and kill people or not let them go shopping if the people didn't worship the new God.

"I am the one true god. Bill and Oral Roberts are fake profits, so is Michael Jackson. Forget your evil ways and send 23% of your gross take home to me. I'll buy many cars to drive around in and save the world from entertainment."

And now a word form our sponsors:

"Are you tired of waking up tired after you slept all day and night?
Well fuck off and get a life."

"Say good night Dick."

"Good night dick."

_bunnie stop_

Raging Mutants is the name of the underground band that is playing in the club where Barbaralba and the Indian go on their stop over night in Berlin.

"If their was a god it would necessary to kill him."

"And rhyme chillum with that."

How do you spell chillum? It's Friday night and I won't do much about it. I might stay up a little later with some humans. Weekends quite often have a high human content. Business some of it but the business is also contact which could be classified as fun times. I mean why bother doing a business with people if you don't like being with those people.

"And secondly, clean your apartment, there are clothes lying everywhere."

"They're all clean."

"Then put them in their proper spot."

"I'm trying out various spots to see if there might not be a better system."

"The windows weren't cleaned this year."

"Did you know that most of the thousand year old trees have been slaughtered to make money."


"Sure, the paper industry should be mary jane."

_bunnie stop:_

So Barbaralba is sitting in a small room of a small hut in a small village, trying to understand what the woman is trying to tell regarding the support the oil company gives her village when a bullet rips through her head, taking half her face off, covering Barbaralba with hot blood.

_bunnie stop_

Somehow when (one of the) experts explain why they are so geil and why they found the best music and made it the scene and whatnot, it makes me think he is a little bit full of shit. Music would do - whatever. I'm not sure what I want to say. I think his achievements are there, I may be more just fishing for a rave and didn't catch it. Truth is, I quite like him.

_bunnie stop_

by Joanne B. Washington

read on. casta_part_02

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