john rah letter to

back to 01.11.02

it wasn't the hardest thing to watch but when they pulled them out, i wondered. what fine meat awaited us for supper.

the dried meat was real good.

one of the last ranches like it. everything's got more comfortable institutionalized, sterile and disconnected. they cut down all the jungle and forest. that ain't a wise thing to do on such a fragile egg.

ignorance isn't funny.

_bunny stop_

i've heard people ask why i would spend energy criticizing religion if i'm an atheist. i don't care what anyone believes, i do care if political depots like bushit and the rest of them use the lie to justify their raping and pillaging. i want to believe that billions of years to get to here.

ignorance is fucking it up. i can see it. those who proclaim that a universe can be whipped together by a god in 6 days and that woman who gives life and eats from the tree of knowledge.

that's simply backwards.

we are becoming the angels.

it's a scary thing. but it could be very brilliant.

there can be no more fighting here.

we, as a race, must grow up and wake up or heaven ain't gonna be no fun for no one.

_duck stop_

it wouldn't be good to believe what i know if there were only 6 humans on the planet. religion would be part of survival. at least in warm countries. in cold counties people didn't bother with religion.

it's pointless now. it holds it all back. we write the story.

this is fiction. you are a character.

so for bob marley, bill hicks and charles darwin who dared to think it. we take our talents and have fun with them. it's life and we are in it.

how it is has not yet been written. we are working on it.
there is much to be told.
so that those who come after us know
all there is to know.
about the paradise they chanced to blast into.

still preachin at ya

john rah