john rah letter to

back to 01.04.01

almost none of my friends are christians. almost all my family. i know what it's like on the inside. some people in church thought i was in league with the fallen angel. i was in league with myself. and though it is discouraged in modern politics of beliefs, one of our survival talents is that we can all do different things and think different things. it's a risky venture. most give up shortly after starting. but if you can think 6 or 8 different things every day, ain't no one going to stop you. it's true for other people to.

_duck stop_

learning is very important. this time of year you can find birds learning to fly. and they usually don't have much time to waste. a bird is either very big, in a cage or cat food. and cats will go after birds as long as the two are in the same room.

or planet.

kim, did you read this far.

_bunny stop_

become good at becoming good at doing things.

_duck stop_

me, i'm dyslexic and scatter brained and love writing.
with left so it ain't too easy.

one of the lessons i've learned is that if it is too easy, it is no fun after a while. people who are easily satisfied may chose the easy way. they will be asleep before they are 30. life is free. pretty much. you have to pay for most of the stuff they want you to amuse you days. with.

if i was you and you were me, what would you say.
or if you were you and i was someone else
your mom was your sister and your aunt too
if everything was backwards, what would you do.

if you had 40 years to become what you want to be
and all the rest of your life was pretty much free
if i was you i think i'd almost know what to be
i've almost got it figured how to be me.

letter 01.04.03