steve howard's version of the new testament


The Letter From JAMES


chapter 04

James writes about the wanting of things. Killing for them and all.

“Like the Lords. The kings and queens. The ruling class. Murdering and sending soldiers off to war to murder and plunder.”

“Yes, but we will not talk about the owner murdering those in the towers to collect seven billion dollars in insurance and with this action justifying the murdering of women and children from other countries to plunder resources.”

“Why not.”

“No one wants to know how enslaved they are. They don’t want to know that driving their cars is murdering children in other countries. And they certainly don’t want to know how little they matter in the games of the most greedy. They want to believe their country is good. God said so.”

“Here is a question out of the blue. The Virgin Mother of several children Mary. And her cousin Elisabeth. When the Lord came to them with his fancy dress and told them they would be honoured did they not notice his penis in them.”

“I’m certain most women who are raped know that they are raped but that’s not something to be talked about.”


“For the man wasn’t the rib of a woman.”

“Are we to believe Rahab is nice because she harboured spies of their destroyers, the mad genocide army of the Israelites that leveled Jericho, killing all, including children and animals and taking their gold and silver for the holy treasury. Was she not a trader. Where is there holiness in genocide.”

Vs. 4: Unfaithful people! Don’t you know that to be the world’s friend means to be God’s enemy? Whoever wants to be the world’s friend makes himself God’s enemy. EQ.

“Well, then. Fuck God. We don’t need his greedy jealous hateful rule no more.”

vs. 11: If you judge the Law, then you are no longer one who obeys the Law, but one who judges it. 12. God is the only lawgiver and judge. He alone can save and destroy. Who do you think you are, to judge your fellow-man? EQ.

It isn’t unusual to not be certain if James means one thing or the other.

God is not real. God is basically the same as Lord. And Lord is typically a tyrannical prick like Moses. And if God was to be understood as some entity that created the universe, there is not one law, other than physical tendencies, that was made by God. So if there was a God or not.


“Whatever. God is not real in reality. He is a storybook character.”

All laws ever written were written by men. Maybe a few by women. And not one law is holy. Every law can be and should be questioned. Often. And tossed out one after the other. For what is the use of a law that says thou shall not kill and the murdering tyrant that made this obvious law leads his army to kill men, women and children. Oh, you fucking hypocrites.

All our great heroes of history and religion were murderers. War is murder. Capital punishment is murder. Plundering a land and leaving the poor to starve is murder.

vs. 17: So then, the person who does not do the good he knows he should do is guilty of sin. EQ.

Sin is a shitty word. And the world is full of idiots. Those who are not idiots must do something. Anything. Common sense will tell you what that something is when you have acquired a little knowledge and wisdom. And do not follow creeds of the murdering pricks.

Those who can must do what they will.

chapter 05

vs. 1: And now, you rich people, listen to me! Weep and wail over the miseries that are coming upon you! EQ.

vs. 5: Your life here on earth has been full of luxury and pleasure. You have made yourselves fat for the day of slaughter. 6. You have condemned and murdered innocent people, and they do not resist you. EQ.

“Is he talking about the tower pricks.”

“Them and many more.”

What can we say about that. The third world no longer finds it funny that they have been robbed. The planet is losing its life because of these fucking murdering rich pricks. The fucking war lords. The day of reckoning is here. Your party days of darkness are over. The light reveals that you are the slime of the shit of the slugs of the open sewers of hell. Relinquish what you have stolen and hoarded away or there will be no forgiveness.

“That answers the question we had about that.”

vs. 12: Above all, my brothers, do not use an oath when you make a promise. Do not swear by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Say only “Yes” when you mean yes, and “No” when you mean no. EQ.

And when some idiot in court tells you to put your hand on the Bible and swear. Say no. If you don’t believe, it is crazy to do so. If you believe, then you are told not to do so in the very Book on which you swear. And James was not the only one to write this. And if you are a jackass in the court of Law, leave the goddamn bloody Bible out of your bullshit proceedings. Assholes. Stop being idiot apes.

vs. 14: Is there anyone who is ill? He should send for the church elders, who will pray for him and rub olive-oil on him in the name of the Lord. EQ.

That’s nice if someone is suffering from dry skin.

What is better is not to kill the women and men who have learned the uses of herbs and other plants. In fact, there should be schools for this wisdom and a higher regard for our jungles and forests. There are doctors who have studied many years to understand ailments. The church elders as a solution to diseases and other ailments is ignorant belief that God hands out disease and other ailments. This belief comes from a time when we did not know about germs and viruses. So fucking forget ignorant Hocus Pocus. The world we are in is real. We need to learn it. Alternative medicine is not an alternative medicine if it is bottled water.

And the pharmaceutical pricks who make billions producing mostly useless chemical drugs should all be kicked really hard in the ass. Make medicine make sense.

And the pope needs to be relieved of his position. To save him from judgment.

For ever.

peter chapters 01 - 03