steve howard's update of the new testament


Letter to the HEBREWS


chapter 04

Hebrews is so obviously ruling class propaganda. The new empire. The Roman Empire is marketing the idea that the Hebrews didn’t have such a bad religion, even if it was bullshit, but now that the new empire had taken over, with plans to take over the world, it was time for the Hebrews to get with the Christ as holy priest, later pope, story.

And there are those who think that because it was written that the Roman Empire fell, that it did fall. In some ways, it has. But it has become something else. Something more sinister. A western world mind fuck. The rebirth of Babylon. Ruling class and slave class.

Vs. 12: The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of man’s heart. EQ.

Children are still being taught to believe this monotheistic horror story. Those who don’t proclaim affiliation to one of the three are still thought of as evil and depraved. They are considered lower class people even in Europe where there has supposedly been some enlightenment.

Vs. 14: Let us, then, hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we have a great High Priest who has gone into the very presence of God – Jesus, the Son of God. EQ.

Over and over they tell us Jesus is the Son of God. High Priest. And it has perverted the concept of Christ. It is a personified crazy sun cult.

And this is so fucked up.

Vs. 15: On the contrary, we have a High Priest who was tempted in every way that we are, but did not sin. EQ.

We do not have a High Priest. Jesus Christ died on the cross to end the priests. And he was not good. He was a teacher. A man like anyone else. And he was no more free from sin than anyone else.

And as far as sin goes. It is a concept based on the belief that Moses and Paul knows how we must be. It is a farce.

chapter 05

This shit is complete Moses is God madness.

vs. 4: No one chooses for himself the honour of being high priest. It is only by God’s call that a man is made a high priest - just as Aaron was. EQ.

Who is responsible for this bullshit. Who are the morons that believe this madness.

Christ rejected the synagogue and the fancy dress vipers. He was not a high priest. And as for Aaron, he was the slave clown of Moses. Moses made him dance like the King’s court jester. Moses also murdered the two sons of Aaron while Aaron watched. Then threw them out of camp for the vultures and dogs to clean their bones. Moses forbade Aaron to morn for his sons and was given extra clown duties. If Aaron didn’t do exactly what Moses told him he promised to kill him. Read the fucking book you asshole self-righteous believers of any shit rather than using your evolution given brain. This ain’t a fucking dream. We are really here. Now.

vs. 6: ... “You will be a priest for ever. EQ.

Okay. That’s it. Go fuck yourself. All of you.

vs. 10: and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek. EQ.

What the fuck are you people on. Melchizedek was of no significance mentioned once in your fucking holy scripture. A priest in a stinking like goat and sheep piss and shit village.

How the fuck this get in here. Hebrews. He brews 40% brandy. Gets sloppy drunk and writes some fantasy shit and some pinhead puts it in the scripture.

And no one says anything.

Are you all fucking insane.

“Did that get your goat.”

“They got more than that.”

chapter 06

vs. 1: Let us go forward, then, to mature teaching and leave behind us the first lessons of the Christian message. EQ.

Mature teaching, now that will be the day religion is written in history books with which future generations will amused themselves. Your narrator has the impression that Hebrews was written later than the gospels and Paul’s ranting. A calculate addition to keep it more fitting to Judaism.

And it was written by a Jewish priest who thought he was a descendant of Melchizedek. Who was famous for sweet piss all in a village next to nowhere.

Jesus is simply getting buried under more and more shit so that he becomes a pointless icon on a cross 2000 years. No one has a clue at all as to the message of Jesus. People simply believe what they are told once a week in their houses of the holy. Or at least they pretend to believe for there is no way that they understand the bible. Not a fuckin’ chance in hell. And not in heaven either.

It is a bloody shit storm. All about repent, work and wait. Have faith in what the rulers tell you to do. And what fucking insane fairy tale to believe.

Vs. 10: God is not unfair. EQ.

“Right, tell that to the pagans that have been slaughtered in God’s name. The millions and millions. Tell that to the whole world that was drowned because God didn’t like them anymore. Or the Canaanites because they descended from the son that saw Noah beating off in his tent. Tell those with mineral and oil resources under their feet who are kept in poverty while first world lands plunder everything and leave a wake of poison.”

All popes are antichrists. All institutions of religion are antichrists. Belief and faith are insanity.

vs. 14: He said, “I promise you that I will bless you and give you many descendants.” EQ.

He said, he said. But he was full of shit. He was an asshole writing a book of war declaration. He was not God.

“Except Ab does have half a billion descendants.”

“No. Isaac wasn’t his kid. A Lord raped Sarah. So the whole thing is simply bullshit. And for fuck sake, after 4 billion years inter breeding on the same planet. We are one gene pool. The blackest woman is the Congo who hasn’t been raped yet is still 99.5 percent the same in every way as the whitest man in Greenland raped or not raped. This race nonsense is a silly game. It is all to do about nothing. Just one more ignorant reason to hate your brother.”

vs. 16: ... and the vow settles all arguments. EQ.

No it don’t. A vow doesn’t mean shit. And if we are in the fucking New Testament we have been told several times not to make a vow. Let yes mean yes and no mean no. A vow is superstitious Hocus Pocus. It is as dumb as a New Year’s resolution or a mass-produced fortune cookie. A horoscope in a fashion magazine. A rabbit’s foot. A four-leaf clover. A shooting star. A black cat. A ladder. The Dali Lama. The Pope. Jack the Ripper. Madonna. Britney Spear. Donald Duck. Mohamed. Smokey the Bear.

“Can we go on.”

“Ah, yes where were we.”

vs. 18: ... God cannot lie. EQ.

No, of course God cannot fucking tell a lie. On account God the he in the sky, don’t exist. Human assholes exist.

Fuckin’ myopic megalomaniac idiot sperm mad primates exist. And a good many of them are fucking liars. And the pricks that wrote Hebrews were fuckwits.

And Jesus weren’t no priest of high rank of Melchezadick.



hebrews chapters 07 - 09