steve howard's update of the new testament


Paul's second letter to the TIMOTHY


chapter 04

Oh me. I do the work the Lord God gave to me personally because he chose me of all people to bury the work of Jesus and all I get is trouble. Pain. Incarceration. But I like it. I like bitching to you and telling you what to do. For I know you won’t. And that is what I really want.

vs. 3: more and more teachers who will tell them what they are itching to hear. EQ.

Then pass around the collection plate.

vs. 4: They will turn away from listening to the truth and give their attention to legends. EQ.

Well ain’t that the truth, my asshole friend. Legends of: Murdering Moses. Dictator David. Pontificating Paul. Jackass Jacob. Asshole Abraham. Airhead Adam.

Vs. 6: As for me, the hour has come for me to be sacrificed; the time is here for me to leave this life. EQ.

“See ya. Have a little fun in your next one.”

titus chapter 01 - 03