steve howard's retelling of the new testament


THE ACTS of the Apostles


chapter 28

So they get to shore and sit around a fire to get warm and Paul has a snake around his hand.

vs. 4: “This man must be a murderer.” EQ.

This is the logic level. The man has a snake on his hand therefore he must be a murderer.

The tower falls down and kills everyone in it therefore those who were in the tower must have been bad.

“Or two planes fly into two towers, three fall down strait to the ground in a way that is only possible with well placed high explosives and the brown people must have done it. So we bomb them. Women and children first.”

vs. 5: But Paul shook the snake off his hand into the fire without being harmed at all. EQ.

So after Paul didn’t drop dead, they changed their minds.

vs. 6: and said, “He is a god!” EQ.

We got a long way to go before we get to real reason. The world simply was not ready for Nietzsche. Or Jesus.

But without them, and visionaries like them, there would be no beginning to the understanding of cause and effect.

The gods are still young. And haven’t listened to Socrates’ one most important message.

Know thyself. Yourself. And make it your bloody job to know yourself. And you will start to understand the world.

Eventually they got to Rome and no one seemed to want to kill Paul.

Vs. 20: “That is why I asked to see you and talk with you. As a matter of fact, I am bound in chains like this for the sake of him for whom the people of Israel hope.” EQ.

No one knew he was to be put on trial but they wanted to hear his story and of course some liked it, some didn’t like it and they argued and Paul, like Moses, and like Jesus. A story told over and over. Said.

vs. 26:

You will listen, but not understand
you will look and look, but not see,
because this people’s minds are dull,
and they have stopped up their ears
and close their eyes.
Otherwise, their eyes would see,
their ears would hear,
their minds would understand,
and they would turn to me, says God,
and I would heal them. EQ.

God, here could be translated to Life. And it would be very true still. The masses and the leaders still refuse to see that we are here and it, the what of it that is, is now. And forever.

romans chapters 01 - 03