steve howard's retelling of the new testament


THE ACTS of the Apostles


chapter 01

Trust your instinct. Not the written word.

Our instinct is very similar to the workings of a quantum computer. When we learn to commune with our instinct and let it have control of our active mind it shows us vast possibilities and gives us the talent to sort out likely probabilities. This is a process that should never sleep. It is what Jesus was hinting at when he said not to worry about what you will say before those who question you. Be equipped with as much knowledge and understanding as possible and switch to the on position and sort out your responses as the questions come. This is how animals decide how to react to an action.

Vs. 3: For forty days after his death he appeared to them many times in ways that proved beyond doubt that he was alive. They saw him, and he talked with them about the Kingdom of God. EQ.

Now if you have been paying attention as you read you will figure out that if he was alive and people saw and talked to him that he was not dead. That the cross event was staged. Never mind if it happened or not. We will stick to the story. The only way he was alive after hanging on the cross is, this is probability calculation, very simple, he did not die on the cross. It is the nature of life. And that is a physical law that in real reality cannot be broken. If someone is dead for a few minutes they can be brought back to life with today’s technology. Not 2,000 years ago. This much you must understand to understand anything.

The only way dead people come back to life is to through the birth cannel of a woman. Unless the child is cut out of the belly like Macbeth. But still. From an egg and a sperm.

“We get it already.”

“Billions don’t.”

Vs. 9: After saying this, he was taken up to heaven as they watched him, and a cloud hid him from their sight. EQ.

No he didn’t. Only one of the four gospels includes this science fiction story. There were no flying machines back then. Maybe a hot air balloon but if we are realistic, we have to chalk this bit up to fiction. It is simply not true to physical reality. And what it is, is manipulation by any of the many writers over the years to make Jesus a super freak. Something impossible. And that is a crime. For he is simply a character that opposes the rule of warlords, priests and lawyers. They made him into an impossible icon and laid the fear into us so that we would accept that only Jesus might do such a thing. When in truth, we must all take a part in fighting against the tyrants.

Vs. 17: “Judas was a member of our group, for he had been chosen to have a part in our work.” EQ.

Chosen by Jesus. This is plain and simple. As we have already explained. And what comes next is then the doings of a tyrant. It is a lie to throw in confusion. It was very clear that Judas was the brother of Jesus and loved by Jesus. The priests do not want the readers to know this.

So instead of telling us that he went to live in the Toscana with his brother after the show was over, they propagate more fear. And it also contradicts his throwing the money back at the priests.

Vs. 18: (With the money that Judas got for his evil act he bought a field, where he fell to his death; he burst open and all his bowels spilt out.) EQ.

It was not an evil act, he was asked to do it. For it had to be done by someone Jesus could trust to do it. If this is to be understood as real, what it means is, he was brutally murdered. Someone hacked him open with a sword. So that he would not tell his story.

What is more likely is it is simply a lie. Written to make him look like the enemy of Jesus when he wasn’t. So that we fail to see that the event was planned. And well planned.

Whatever the case, Judas is gone. So they need a new apostle because they must have 12. Because, and this is no jest, it is a sun cult, even if it has been sold as a death cult. And as a sun cult it must have 12 because that is how many houses there are in Astrology. Why 12. Simply because it was decided and no other reason. The Babylonians said a circle had 360 degrees and it could have had any other number. Such and 400. But 360 is a nice number so we go with it.

Vs. 24: Then they prayed, “Lord, you know the thoughts of everyone, so show us which of these two you have chosen 25. to serve as an apostle in the place of Judas, who left to go to the place where he belongs.” EQ.

They, of course, imply, for religions love to sell hate, hell. But anyone who knows him or Jesus will know they like to be in the same town. The house next door to Jesus.

But never mind that. Check out the brilliant lack of any kind of logic here.

Vs. 26: Then they drew lots to choose between the two men, EQ.

So in this case, the Lord is blind chance.

Stop believing.

chapter 02

And the Lord said, “Man, this is a big crock of shit.” For that is what it is.

Vs. 4: They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak. EQ.

Vs 13: But others made fun of the believers, saying, “These people are drunk!” EQ.

Well, there it is. As Peter tells us, even if he is dead many years before the book was written, they were not drunk on drink because it was only nine in the morning.

But someone was drunk. And the someone that was drunk was the jackass that sat in his palace and wrote this nonsense.

They hear a wind blowing and burning tongues of fire appear and they start speaking all the languages of the Jews that have come to visit.

Vs. 12: Amazed and confused, they kept asking each other, “What does this mean?” EQ.

First thing your narrator gets out of it is that Christianity is Judaism. We won’t get into the Koran except to say that the babbling banalities of that not at all inspired book is also Judaism.

“Why is it Judaism.”

“It is propagating the significance of the tyrants of the Holy Scriptures, for one. And for another, almost every one of the apostles are Jews. And almost all the storytellers were Jews. Even the Moslems. And by Jew we mean morons of the Laws of Moses.”


“Either they are true morons or they are bald face liars. In the case of followers, morons, in the case of lawyers and priests, and the rest of the ruling class, bald face liars. We will make it clear.”

Peter explains what Joel said.

Vs. 17: ‘This is what I will do in the last days, God says:
I will pour out my Spirit on everyone.
Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message;
Your young men will see visions,
And your old men will have dream. EQ.

Well fuck me. Old men will have dreams. How bloody strange. Young men will see visions. What a fuckin’ surprise. So things that always happen will continue to happen.

Thanks Joel. Moron.

Vs. 19: I will perform miracles in the sky above and wonders on the earth below.
There will be blood, fire, and thick smoke;
The sun will be darkened,
And the moon will turn red as blood,
Before the great and glorious Day of the Lord comes.
21. And then, whoever calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.’ EQ.

Miracles in the sky don’t happen. What happens above the sky are cosmic events. There are many. Meteorites, comets, asteroids, sun flares, super novas and a few other things we now know about. As for blood, as long as the murdering tyrants rule and enforce ignorance by cursing and murdering those who think and do not believe, there will be blood. And, as long as there is more than one religion, there will be blood. For religion is blind hate against everyone not a member. Every religious leader through the ages has blessed genocide. And still do.

The sun will darken when it become a black hole. That will not happen in the next five billion years. Gives us enough time to get out of here before then.

The moon is a big rock. It may one day shine green when we have built diamond domes all around it to hold a jungle paradise. That will take hundreds, maybe thousands of years from 2000 years after the story of Jesus Christ. So don’t put off doing other things for waiting around for the Lord.


Vs. 24: But God raised him from death, setting him free from its power, because it was impossible that death should hold him prisoner. EQ.

You narrator agrees but in a much different way then intended.

“Maybe not.”

The idea is the eternal. Let us quote William Blake one more time:

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, man would see things as they truly are, infinite.”

First we will suggest that women aren’t mentioned, partly because the language we use has been brutalized by the men’s club. Second, we will say that women already see it.

Now the narrator ain’t saying this to win points from the women. When a man become a man he is half woman. And that may be the cleansing William is speaking of. We are taught, as men, that we are not to be like women. And that women are too be ruled by us. This has crippled us. We have failed to see that life is real and that we are really in it.

And not only are we in it, we can only perceive it when we are in it. Not at all when we are dead. The soul is not a thing separate from the body. The body is the soul. A life form that can perceive.

“Where you going man.”

“It is a cycle. There is no beginning. There is no end.”

Not only can death not hold Jesus, it cannot hold anyone or anything. Only life can hold. And when you see this, you will know that the now is eternal. Heaven is at hand.

God is often a word for, ‘I don’t know.’ When we read God raised him from the dead, or anyone from the dead. It is a limp attempt to explain evolution. Which is reincarnation of the elements. It is all physics. And physics is all energy.

Vs. 29: “My brothers, I must speak to you plainly about our famous ancestor King David. He died and was buried, and his grave is here with us to this very day.” EQ.

Well hang on Peter. King David was a murdering tyrant. Where is the quote, ‘Saul only killed 10’s of hundreds, David killed 10’s of thousands.’

He sent his best friend to the front lines to die so he could fuck his wife.

He was a big myopic prick. All the grand figures of the bloody Holy Scriptures were big myopic murdering pricks. It’s right there in the bloody book to read. You fuckin’ morons. Don’t you see the fucking game going on here. The tyrants have got you believing that they are holy. Not one of the was, for no one is. And the pricks of the holy fuckin’ scriptures were farthest from it.

“The blind leading the blind.”

You believers make me very disappointed. Billions of years of evolution and you are beaten by fairy tales.

It doesn’t matter what shit Peter said in this chapter, the bottom line is, either you join our club or go to hell. Pathetic dualistic dribble used by every bunch of boneheads who write monotheistic religious pulp fiction.

“Are you done yet.”

“I am just warming up, sister.”

vs. 31: David saw what God was going to do in the future, and so he spoke about the resurrection of the Messiah when he said,
‘He was not abandoned in the world of the dead;
his body did not rot in the grave.’ EQ.

Any bumbling idiot can speculate on the future. And if tyrants always rule, which they have since before written history, it makes future prediction easy as pie. Especially if it is as vague as a haze. Then you can make it mean anything you chose.

There is no world of the dead. There are things that die, and unless they are burnt, frozen or eaten, they rot. With the exception of made by slaves pyramid protected from the elements tyrants of Egypt.


chapter 03

vs. 1: One day Peter and John went to the Temple at three o’clock in the afternoon, the hour for prayer. 2. There at the Beautiful Gate, as it was called, was a man who had been lame all his life. EQ.

Bong. Wrong. He was not lame if Peter could tell him to stand up. He was faking it. And why would a man fake lameness. A man will fake lameness so that he can instill pity. And collect spare change from the people going in and out of the temple. Or the government.

And this is no big secret. Everyone has met such a man. Selling something for a dollar because he can’t one thing or the other. They are not always lying about their handicap. But often. For those with a real handicap often try to overcome it and the last thing they chose to do is beg.

Nothing against begging, just that beggars can be fakers. And in the case of this story, the beggar was a set up.

Vs. 8: he jumped up, stood on his feet, and started walking around. Then he went into the Temple with them, walking and jumping and praising God. EQ.

This is insult to the priests, so must be accepted as a nice joke. Peter and John were using the old trick of mocking the priests to gain attention. And trouble. And converting Jews to the New Roman Church. Not called that yet but playing by their rules.

Vs. 12: Do you think that it was by means of our own power or godliness that we made this man walk? 13. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his Servant Jesus. But you handed him over to the authorities, and you rejected him in Pilate’s presence, even after Pilate had decided to set him free. EQ.

This supports the movement away from Jewish authority and gives it in the direction of the ruling Empire. Rome. And this is what we could call a paradigm shift. Not much of an improvement, just a shift. It openly mocks the priests. And. It openly supports Judaism. So basically, a silly paradox.

“How does it support Judaism.”

“Ancestor worship. Or better said. Penis worship. Or even clearer said. Holy sperm worship. The mentality of the Lion. In real reality, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were not significant. And none of them were especially special or nice. It is an insult on women. It is an insult on evolution. It is a bald face lie to suggest that God chose one race over another. For there is no one true God. There is no biological difference in any race.

Vs. 15: You killed the one who leads to life, EQ.

The priests were set up. The blasphemy of Jesus made it impossible for them not to want to murder him. To protect their lie. Their luxury. Their tax-free organized crime business.

Vs. 17: “And now, my brothers, I know that what you and your leaders did to Jesus was due to your ignorance.” EQ.

Translated. You would have done better to ignore him. Instead you bought into his contribution to the New Church of Rome. Which is really just as Jewish but it contains a time bomb that goes off about now.

Vs. 21: He must remain in heaven until the time comes for all things to be made new, as God announced through his holy prophets who lived long ago. EQ.

Peter goes on to explain because Moses said. Which is bullshit Judaism again. Back and forth. Back and forth. Contradiction after contradiction and how long before anyone notices.

About now. What Moses said is it would be someone in the sperm line. Funny thing is. Isaac was not begot by Abraham. Sarah fucked a Lord. Or better said. She was raped by a Lord. And for those who fucking missed it. Mother Mary was raped by a Lord. Not God. A Lord. And a Lord means: of the ruling class. Likely Herod. So, childrenfuckers, where is the connection.

But before we drop it.

Let us look a little deeper.

It is true that Christians forbid astrology and murdered millions and cursed the rest to hell. But it does not change the fact that the book is firmly based on astrology. And not the shit one finds in fashion magazines and roadside attractions. We are talking trying to see where in the heavens the solar system is.

Now this can be argued. Does it matter. Or how the hell can things way out there make a difference.

“I don’t fuckin’ know.”

There is, however, enough evidence that it matters at least some. Up until artificial light, women all had their periods on a full moon. Think about that.

And what the significance of coming to the end of the house that has the name of a fish and is a water sign and moving into the water man sign, which is an air sign and represents awareness. Man, it’s over your narrator’s head. But that it has some significance appears evident. And it will be sold as the end of the world by many hysterical neurotic fools. It is however very likely the beginning of the beginning that many cultures have been betting on for as much as five thousand years. It is what Jesus was hanging on a cross for. The cross is an astrological reference point. And Jesus, the sun, came down off of it about now.

“You can see that in there.”

“It is at the roots. It is somehow the key. And the key has been turned in the last gate. We have entered the next house. If it really is the enlightenment that has been suggested by so many cultures for so long. If it is any of what the old star gazers speculated on. Well, we’ll have to see.

Or as Jesus, the personification of the sun, said, heaven is at hand.

We just bloody well need to wake up and see it.

And that would make the bloody journey back into a universe of gods finally worth the hell so many have had to go through.

Perhaps there will even be forgiveness for they tyrants. Should they repent and give back what they have stolen.


acts chapters 04 - 06