steve howard's update of the new testament


The Gospel According to JOHN


chapter 04

Well then, Jesus was a walking along and came to a well that Jacob dug. His disciples had gone into town to buy food and left Jesus on his own. And as he sat there, along came a woman.

Vs. 7: … “Give me a drink of water.” EQ.

vs. 9: “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan so how can you ask me for a drink?” EQ.

This is to remind us that Jews usually hate those not Jewish and perceive them as dirty scum.


“Yes. Jews don’t share cups or bowls with lower life forms, such as Samaritans of any other gentile.”

Religion is proof how careful one must be when writing for a large audience. Of believers.

Jesus offers her some of her water. And he doesn’t have a bucket. And if one wants to read into the story a little, the secret of the fountain of youth is slowly revealed by John.

vs. 13 “... Whoever drinks of this water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.” EQ.

The writer would have us believe that the woman was aware that the Jews were the chosen race and her race was already run. It is what we call propaganda. Religious writing is always blatant propaganda against the ignorant slave class.

vs. 11”... You, don’t claim to be greater than Jacob, do you?” EQ.

“Jacob was a thieving deceiving slave driver that worshipped gold. He believed that his mighty sperm was better than all the other sperm on the planet.”

Like the lion he liked to compare himself to. For he was too much of a fool to be a primate. And fools have been killing for several thousand years for the sperm of one fool. Sperm worship. Sun cult. Death cult.

And you don’t need a degree in biology to understand how closely related we are.

“You don’t understand how much of a fool Jacob, father bloody Israel was, Woman, or you would not attempt to blaspheme me with ignorance.”

“Oh. Well, let me go get my lover. And we will have a threesome”

vs. 21 ... “Believe me, woman, the time will come when people will not worship the Father either on this mountain or in Jerusalem ...” EQ.

vs. 25: The woman said to him, “I know that the Messiah will come, and when he comes, he will tell us everything.” EQ.

vs. 26: Jesus answered, “I am he, I who am talking with you.” EQ.

The disciples came back and the woman went and told the people of the town about the man at the well. And they came and heard a little rant about reaping a harvest and were sold on Jesus.

vs. 42. ... “We believe now, not because of what you said, but because we ourselves have heard him and we know that he really is the Saviour of the world.” EQ.

Jesus went to visit the Samaritans for a couple days then went told someone their son wasn’t going to die and he didn’t and that was chalked up as a miracle.

We want the world and we want it now.

“What’s the fountain of youth.”

“Read on.”

chapter 05

All sentences are false.

Jesus laughed.

Because you silly ducks. We got to learn to be free. And it will not be a ride for idiots and money worshippers.

This chapter is exceedingly tedious. Jesus heals a man that has been lame 38 years. He is waiting by the pool where if an angel comes and stirs the water, the first to jump in will be healed.


But it is a children’s story. We have all played it: if when I come to the field and there is a girl there with blond hair tied in a braid and she is carrying a stick painted red and looking at a butterfly that has landed on her head, then I will ask her to be my girl-friend.

Or if the next seven cars that go by are green, I’ll go into the store and ask for a job. If not, I smoke a joint and look for a job tomorrow.

If 3 camels come out of the forest I will stop smoking crack and take up basket weaving.

Jesus told the man, if he wanted to be healed, just to pick up his mat and go. So he did. And of course it was the Sabbath and the priests told him no carrying mats on the Sabbath and he said but some guy told him to and then later he learned the man was Jesus and he told the priests and the priest wanted to kill Jesus because he broke the holy Sabbath by doing something which Moses had forbidden.

And so Jesus tells them God worked all the time and so did he. And he repeatedly referred to God as his father and this is where we make the leap to see if we can jam any meaning into this dribble.

Vs. 19: So Jesus answered them, “I am telling you the truth: the Son can do nothing on his own; he does only what he sees his Father doing. What the Father does, the Son also does. EQ.

And he goes on in this vain for the rest of the chapter.

Father and Son is pretty much the same thing. They are two separate vantage points but let’s not think so much of a father and a son but evolution and instinct. The father is the species, the nature of the beast. And Jesus simply has rejected the Laws of Moses and is a creature of instinct. His God, his Father is evolution. And his will is instinct. So Jesus, the son is a product of the father and can only do what it is his nature tells him to do.

And if you abandon the Law and get to know the father, or the mother, the beast angel that is forever young and ageless both.

“Then what.”

“Then this chapter could make a little sense.”

“So let’s get this straight. God the father, or mother, is evolution. And our will is instinct.”

“Something like that.”

Vs. 30: “I can do nothing on my own authority; I judge only as God tells me, so my judgement is right, because I am not trying to do what I want, but only what he who sent me wants.” EQ.

“So there is no free will.”

“If I thought I had a choice, I wouldn’t be me.”

So it ain’t that we are trying to explain an entity. There ain’t a God that looks like Moses up on his throne killing people and telling them what to do. God is, like mentioned already, in us. It is the nature of nature.

Now we finish the chapter up with Jesus supposedly telling us that since they didn’t believe what Moses wrote then they won’t believe Jesus.

This is a bit of a contradiction in itself. Jesus had already rejected the Laws of Moses.

But on the other fin, it is not necessary to believe Moses or Jesus.

It is better to understand that God is the nature of the beast. Not something to worship or fear but to know and understand.

“I’d buy that.”

chapter 06

I do not have the authority to recant.

I love fish. Please save the fish. In this chapter we will speculate that Jesus is the voice of the fish.

Jesus Christ was not a who.

“If he wasn’t a who what was he.”

What was he. He was a what. He was or is what he was and is. He is the voice of the fish. The voice of the beast. The voice of the angel that is yet becoming. Which also is. In as much as the angel is the will of God. The instinct of evolution.

It is all of us.

I am not the one that sees it. We are the ones that see it.

vs. 10 “... There was a lot of grass there.” EQ.


It is the story of feeding the many with the little that they had. And anyone with a little understand of the mathematics of probability will know that five loaves and two fishes will not suffice for a large crowd.

“So what do we do.”

“We chalk it down to fiction. Or we wonder if there was another source of food. Perhaps it was not just the one boy who though to bring something to eat and his offering to share inspired the rest of the crowd to share. For sure there was no feeding of a crowd with five loaves and two fishes.”

“Maybe they went fishing.”


After the people ate, Jesus did not walk on the water. He may have walked beside the water. He may have walked in the water. He and no one have ever and will never walk on water. It cannot be done no how so if anyone says it was done, they are wrong.

“Okay. So let’s talk about the fish.”

Vs. 52: This stared an angry argument among them. “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” they asked. EQ.

He can’t. It is to be taken as a parable. An explanation.

Vs. 53: Jesus said to them, “I am telling you the truth: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have life in yourselves. EQ.

“He was selling cannibalism.”

“Not bloody likely.”

He was speaking of the fish. But to make it work, let us say: he was speaking of life. The blood of fruit. The flesh of fruit. The body of fish. Plants.

“No he wasn’t.”

“Okay, he was speaking metaphorically. One has to digest the essence of what Jesus Christ is.”

“And what is he.”

“He is it. He is the light. The enlightenment. Life. Not the he him but the essence of what makes life.”

“I think you are pushing it.”

Vs. 63: “What gives life is God’s Spirit; man’s power is of no use at all. The words I have spoken to you bring God’s life-giving Spirit.” EQ.

“Wait. There it is. The words.”

“Okay. Let us say he means the message. Eat the message. And he is the messenger. The teacher of meaning. The spokesman of language as a living entity. And that is what we must eat of. Drink the blood of meaning and digest it, make it into understanding.”

Before we close this chapter let us back up and praise the fish. To not love fish is to insult our ancestors. It’s okay to insult Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses but not the fish. They gave us much more than just our DNA. They gave of their bodies so that we could grow a brain and figure out that not only is this place always getting hit by big rocks.

There are going to be plunder-capitalists who hate fish and want them all dead. Or at least a ruling class and their slave wannabes that are so blind with gold fever that they allow the death of the water world.

This mutation of life, ignorant of the nature of the father and mother in them, will poison all the lakes, rivers and streets, I mean, streams and oceans.

We have eaten much to evolve to what we are. It is time to awaken and be the caretakers, the angels, of this planet.

Heal the language and the world will awaken. And we will wonder at the quickness.

And we will laugh at the silliness of our belief in the authority of the metal sword.

Everything is at stake.

vs. 43: ... “Stop grumbling among yourselves. 44. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him to me...” EQ.

Follow the idea, make it mean whatever you want.

And one more time for the fish.

vs. 52: This started an angry argument among them. “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” they asked. EQ.

Hold onto your fins.

Jesus represents the fish. He is their spokesman. The real fish that swim in real water. Jesus has heard their cry and has taken up their cause.

vs. 57: “... whoever eats me will live because of me.” EQ.

The fish are trying to communicate through Jesus.

john chapters 07 - 09