steve howard's update of the new testament


The Gospel According to LUKE


chapter 19

Instinct is no fool.

So Luke tells us a new story about the Jewish tax collectors who is short and up an oil tree. Looking to see if he can see Jesus.



Well, Zacchaeus knows Jesus, for Jesus calls him by name. Simply. If you understand. They are likely related.

Well, Jesus went off with his rich friend and left the crowd that was quick to suggest that Jesus had no right to be going off with a sinner. And of course, Jesus told us in the last chapter that he was not good. No one is good. And Zacchaeus told Jesus he would give half his riches to the poor. And pay back all those he had over charged.

“That’s nice.”

Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. The point is, Jesus didn’t care. He wanted to visit with his friend and it wasn’t like Jesus to judge anyone. Except of course the lawyers and priests on account they were bloodsuckers from hell.

Now, Luke tells the story with the talents a little different but it is basically the same moral. The servant that makes the most money with the money the king gives him will be given even more. The suckers that don’t get on the capital train can remain poor.

Then, of course, the king has everyone who questioned his authority executed while he watched.

Spare the sword, spoil the hoard.

We are almost done with Luke butchering the parables.

Jesus tells a couple of his disciple to go get his colt. And the other owner, or one of his uncles or cousins or children said hey what’s up and they said we are taking it for Jesus and then the other person agrees to that concept and the colt is taken to Jesus and Jesus Christ gets on the young ass with a little help from his friends.

Luke has this bit very different. They spend a long time going to the olive tree hill. And the priests ask Jesus to tell the disciples to shut the fuck up.

Jesus said they couldn’t because they were stoned.

“No he didn’t.”

“He might have.”

Then he told of the falling of Jerusalem. All stones removed from their place. Which is maybe written after it happened but let’s say Jesus was smart enough to figure that if a bunch of self righteous hateful war mongering hypocrites pissed off their neighbors long enough with their constant abuse that one day someone would figure the best thing to do with the bunch of pricks was to wipe them of the map.

GNB vs. 42: “If you only knew today what is needed for peace! But now you cannot see it!” EQ.

Then he goes to the temple and tells the priests they are a bunch of thieves. Tells them to get the fuck out.

He taught in the temple every day, winning the admiration of the people and the hate of the priests.

chapter 20

My God is 13.7 billion years old and for 4 billion years my God has been a God of life here on this planet. My god has manifested it self to me. My god has shown me and guided me on my way to tell you this simple message.

God was one. May yet be one. God wills to be many or from the many or through the many. We are all small parts of God. Like each cell of the brain is a small part of the domain of the brain. In an inherent way the mind is a replication of the nature of a universe. It wants us to want to be here.

To see how splendid God, the all of this universe, is.

No one owns God. No one thing exists. It requires many to perceive.

“What right do you have to say things so outrageous. Moses is proof that the universe is 6,000 years old and God is a Jew that sits on a throne in the sky and tells people what to do.”

So Jesus asked them what they thought of John, who was a great teacher and proclaimed the coming of the one with the word. Which is dumb really. Let those who have a voice speak. And if there is any truth in the words they will carry their own power. No one owns the language. No one owns life. And no bunch of lying pricks will maintain control over the world.

Well, if you say such things, those who have won their power with lies and violence will have you killed and make a lie out of your name. Mock you for a couple thousand years.


Luke tries too hard to make everything fit to Moses logic. He keeps trying to make us believe that obedience to the sacred law is not to be put into question.

Geniuses 3.6: “The woman saw how beautiful the tree was and how good its fruit would be to eat, and she thought how wonderful it would be to become wise.” EQ.

And Jesus said.

“I hear you Eve, the mother of wisdom and I will always rise up to stand against the prophets of ignorance. It is a sin that we have been hacking down the trees of Knowledge. When they kill me. I will come back again and seek wisdom and knowledge to understand what I am, where I am and what it is. For it is beautiful. And I pray for you and us that we see that the woman in man is the wiser half.”

“That’s sweet. But what does it have to do with the owner of the vine yard killing those who killed his son.”

“We had that story twice already.”

And we had the question about paying taxes with the money that has the mark of the bloodsucker on it.

GNB Judges chapter 21 vs. 25: There was no King in Israel at that time. Everyone did just as he pleased. EQ.

Lay down your crowns and pick up your crosses. And enter the kingdom of God.

When one sees that the church is on fire, it is not a time to worry about gold relics.

And there are those, Lawyers and the like, that don’t believe that people rise from the dead. And in one way, they are perfectly correct. In an individual body kind of way. If you open the cat box at the right moment.

On the other fin, everything rises from the dead. Since 4 billion years on this planet. A cycle in a cycle ever smaller and ever bigger. At least relatively.

GNB vs. 36: They will be like angels and cannot die. EQ.

Just because it was written doesn’t mean that it is so. But the law of physics tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. It is all recycled. Reincarnated. Evolution does take a course.

GNB vs. 39: “A good answer, Teacher!” EQ.

This also proves nothing certain. Nothing ever will. Will will evolve.

So that if any bunch of assholes do manage to burn all my writings this time. Instinct will tell someone to write it all again. To put an end to ancestor worship.

Jesus Smiled. Than Laughed. And wondered how come he was having so much fun tearing down his ancestor’s religion.

“We gonna be here, we might just as well enjoy it. It’s fun to have a cross to bear. And getting rid of the flogging thing is golden. What no riches can pay in exchange.”

Vs. 46: “Be on your guard against the teachers of the Law, who like to walk about in their long robes and love to be greeted with respect in the market-place, who choose the reserved seats in the synagogues and the best places at feasts, 47. Who take advantage of widows and rob them of their homes, and then make a show of saying long prayers! Their punishment will be all the worse!” EQ


chapter 21

It must be witnessed once again the contradiction of the beginning of this chapter and the end of the last.

Vs. 3: He said, “I tell you that this poor widow put in more than all the others. For the others offered their gifts from what they had to spare of their riches; but she, poor as she is, gave all she had to live on.” EQ.

And that is a sin. It is a sin of lying pricks that tell the poor widow that God wants her to go hungry so that priests can wallow in decadence. It is a crime to make ignorance into a law so that the poor, who there are still so many, will give to the religious organizations. The mafias of belief.

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there does it make a sound.

Technically, the event takes place that we interpret as sound. But the meaning to it is missing. But the question might make more sense if we ask:

If a universe has no life in it, who’s gonna give a shit.

No one is going to anything. Because no one is there.

And there are other real reasons why a universe with life is better fit than one without. But that is a long explanation for science fiction enthusiasts. And much speculation. Perhaps it is also a belief to think that evolution takes a refining direction. But there is much evidence for such a speculation.

Besides robbing the poor, what purpose does religion serve. It is a powerful symbol for a flag for when your crew goes to kill others with a less powerful symbol, icon on their flag. And this is one of its prime uses. Religion is, like we see when we take time to read the holy books, the prostitute of war. Religion has a way of uniting the ignorant hoard and giving the idea of a loathsome enemy. Deserving of slaughter. Including the unborn babe in the womb.

Religion deserves absolutely no respect. It needs to be rejected with extreme prejudice. We must drop religion because it is killing us.

Luke gives us the run down on all the bad things coming to the Jews.

vs. 20: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will know that she will soon be destroyed.” EQ.

No fooling. And as we piss around trying to figure out whose fairy tale is better, the armies are always around Jerusalem. Moses declared eternal war and the assholes in charge made the tyrant to their bloody holy religion. The race chosen above all others by the mad god of war.

We can say, based on our examination of the Torah, that Jewish leaders are assholes. Vile slugs of hell.

And if there is a war where 6 million claiming to be Jews die, the Torah is still a book of genocide and the religion is still a disgrace and an insult to intelligence.

The synagogue is a den of thieves. Whores of the warlords.

Now that we know. We can acknowledge that we have been fools and idiots for, in real reality, only a few thousand years.

In evolution, this is a short time. We must humble ourselves before ourselves and admit to a few thousand years of gross misconduct. And instead of trying to make religion work, drop them all. Put them all into history books and embrace the tree of knowledge, reach out our hands and take from the tree of life and live forever.

We have an open universe before us. Only war and religion stand in our way. Our ignorant myopia.

And the strange things they have written about, the sun and the planets and the moon are over written. The sun will die one day as all stars do. Countries will disappear, especially if there is a major catastrophe, which is always possible. If the poles switch or we get another ice age or we get hit by a big asteroid. Do be suspicious of any numbered 999, the upside down of 666, it could be another attempt at rule through terror. There are reasons enough to start building in space.

There is one point often ignored, and that is that astrological knowledge has been embedded in religious writing. Bloody obvious after enough study. And one thing that the astrologers knew was that 2000 years after Jesus Christ, the solar system would leave the house of the fish and move into the waterman. And the waterman is the new age. How it differs, we will not speculate too much other than to say it is an air sign. The age of awakening. The end of the dark ages. And if this sounds mad, look around and see what is happening. Kill your television.

Vs. 32: “Remember that all these things will take place before the people now living have all died.” EQ.

This is true because we never really die. Death is nowhere.

The age of enlightenment has come.

And when this universe is done, life will find another universe, the words will all be written again. Language will embrace us and make us the gods. And we will know it is not the first time but it will feel like the first time.

“Holy cow. We are here.”

“What’s a cow.”

luke chapters 22 - 24