steve howard's update of the new testament


The Gospel According to MATTHEW


chapter 13

Then Jesus went down to the lake where he sat and started up a teaching, preaching, to the multitudes what the kingdom was. Not so much how it had been set up into primates slaving mindlessly and obediently for the bloody blood sucking over lords of war but rather little stories to encourage the beginning basics of thinking about it. Just a little of it and what it might be.

And since the whole concept was too much for very simple untrained minds of beaten slaves of war and desert poverty, he talked to them like adults would, could and do speak to children.

He tells the story the preacher at our church used more than once.

Alert: Just a quick interruption from our board of philosophers.

Our universe started as hell fire. The energy of our universe bursting out from a point, or place, at a temperature of absolute hot.

Half a billion years later and much building of space, the very first atoms evolved. Energy. Hell fire. Confined at last as the beginning of order. After the first atoms came the next in direct proportion to the expanding, cooling and concentrating of fireballs.

Exploding fireballs begat more fireballs with heavier elements. Energy confined into locked systems. And our fireball spit out many heavy elements. And we got planets and comets and asteroids and about 10 billion year into putting order to hell, life on Earth.

An evolution of 10 billion years of mixing elements in hell soup.

About a half a billion years ago, year 13.2 billion of this universe, life had everything it needed to procreate and mutate. Including violent ice-ages and extreme meteor showers. And asteroids.

Life procreated and mutated all the way to dinosaurs. Creatures roaming and enjoying, when they weren’t being eaten by other creatures, their senses. Beginning to add perception to the evolution of the elements.

And then the planet cooled, likely from an asteroid hit, and our ancestors suddenly had much more freedom. To mutate. The egg-eating mammals took over the rule of the dinosaurs.

Then evolved a different kind of creature. While all the other creatures ran from fire, one creature turned to embrace it.

And that lead to everything we do. Or let us say: it was a big part of everything we did. From cooking food, defending our selves from hungry animals.

To forging metal.

Now something else has been added.

We not only perceive our environment. We mold it to suit our needs. We make language to talk about what we did, what we are doing and where we are going.

The more we look and learn, the more suited we are to enjoying being much more than burning hell fire. More than minerals and water.

And it is up to us where we evolve.

Don’t let the bastards running around in priestly clothes tell you they have it nailed down. They will tell you the world is coming to an end. The only world coming to and end is their world of dictatorship with lies and violence.

It, the it, travels at light speed. It will never be nailed down by a team of limp dick pricks.

But Jesus knew he couldn’t tell the simple people such a simple and basic truth, so he told them about seeds. That’s what mattered to them.

And weeds. Wheat is good, weeds aren’t but we’ll wait till judgment day to burn the weeds, as in the bad people. Logic for idiots.

These simple parables of dualism are the same basic logic of the Moses ranting. Instead of obey or hell fire. Bare fruit, as in work for the man, or hell fire. It’s all too simply and pathetic. Frustratingly pathetic.

He mentions the mustard seed is small and grows into a big plant. And raising bread can be done with just a little yeast.

And Jesus tells them why he uses parables.

Because a prophet said so in the script on how to be the first messiah.

“I will speak in parables and someone’s going to figure out the essence of it.”

So Jesus tells them about a guy who found a treasure and bought the field. A fisherman used a net to fish and only kept the good fish.

Then he goes to explain everything but it sounds like the standard the authorities told the writers they could write.

So just to remind us about mother Mary having more than one child:

Vs. 55: Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
56. And his sisters, are they not all with us? EQ.

Okay. So the point is, Jesus had at least 4 brothers, Judas likely the youngest. And sisters. Women seldom get names. Now the priests point this out to remind us that Jesus is just an ordinary guy.

And they, or the writers, are right. So were all the other humans that came along and tried to change the incrusted minds of the fearful believers.

Always question authority. Especially the authority that forbids that it be question.

chapter 14

Herod the tetrarch, Antipatros, the son of Herod who had reigned at the time of the birth of little baby Jesus, was freaked out at the news of his half brother Jesus.

Herod had John the Baptist tossed into jail because John didn’t approve of Herod being married to Herod’s brother’s wife. Why John the Baptist had anything to say about Herod is anyone’s guess. And why Herod would care what he said is also anyone’s guess. If I say the Pope in a lying tyrant he ain’t going to come throw me in jail.

“He might.”

“Okay, I will refrain from calling the Pope a servant of the demons of death.”

Then came Herod’s birthday. His niece/daughter danced for him. And she was a very pretty little girl like many 12 year-old little girls are.

Herod wanted her like he wanted nothing else in the known universe. At that time, a few hundred square kilometers. But never mind. The fact that the little girl was his niece and daughter and likely still a virgin and not yet through puberty was of no consequence. Kings and tetrarchs were accustomed to doing as they pleased with their misplaced power.

“I swear before my dinner guests, my angel, I will give you whatever you ask. Half my kingdom if I can eat your ass.”

Well, the little angel was not sure if she wanted Herod to breed with her so she asked her mother, her step dad’s wife. And sister-in-law.

Mom says, because she knows Herod has fear and respect for John and the Jews. Or the writers would have us believe so. The head of the Baptist.

“Okay, Big Daddy. Give me the head of John the Baptist on a silver tray.”

Anyone having thought they were in heaven about to have an angel’s legs around their head would understand this obvious rejection to taking her mother’s place. John, the poor bugger, paid for this silly swearing thing with his head.

So a gentle reminder people. Don’t swear. Especially when you want to rape your sister-in-law’s/wife’s little girl.

Jesus was sad. And right pissed off with asshole idiot Herod.

He took a boat to the desert. And the hoards followed him by foot. He got a few quiet moments in before he was back to telling stories to the illiterate mob.

As the day wore on, they ordered up 5 wagons of bread and 2 whales. To feed the several thousand.

So then it came to pass that Jesus sent the disciples out to the boat and the 5,000 women plus men and children. Away. To have a little sad time for his friend John the Baptist. Up the mountain he went to take a break from people.

And between 3 and 6 in the morning Jesus wakes up and sees the boat out on the water. Dancing in the waves. So he ignores physics and walks on out to the boat. And Peter thinks that is a real wild thing to be real and asks Jesus if he can try it too.

Of course he lacks faith and Jesus helps him back into the boat.

“Wow. How’d you do that, man.”

“What have you been smoking, man.”

If anyone really thinks a man named Jesus walked on water, learn a little physics. It can’t be done.


“No. It can not be done. The Jesus Lizard can run at high speeds over the surface of water because it is light and water does have surface tension. Bugs can walk on water. Ducks and boats can sit on water. People can swim but they can not walk on water. Jesus is often referred to as light. So maybe sunlight or moonlight walked or danced on the waves. Jesus the man didn’t break laws of physics and Moses did not part the Sea of Reeds.”

“God can do anything.”

“No, fuck wit. God can’t do fuck all because God is a fantasy figure. Like Mickey Mouse.”

Jesus Christ, the man, was not the son of God. If there was such a man, he was likely the son of Herod. And might have been the son of almost anyone.

And if anyone knows where Gennesaret is, Jesus went and did his thing there. On the other side of the lake from where it was they came.

chapter 15

Okay, here we go. The Jewish authorities of the laws of Moses wanna know why is it that disciples disobey the laws of their ancestors by not washing their hands properly before eating.

And Jesus has an answer ready.

“Oh Bloody Priests and Scribes. Your law says honour your mother and father, instead you honour the laws of Moses. You serve yourself and are an abomination before God.”

Isaiah already had it written in the script.

“Oh, they like to talk about what they do for God. Raping, killing and plundering. But their hearts ain’t with me. They teach man made rules as if they were God’s laws.”

vs. 9: “ vain they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” EQ.

A prophet. There is in real reality of the physical universe no such thing as a prophet. There are, however, those who can read into the present. And one common thread throughout history is the obvious self-destructive nature of tyranny. The ruling class find it necessary to keep the working class ignorant believers in rule books they call God’s word. God is an excuse for murder. A banner for war and plunder. And the greed of such nations that are founded on such bald face lies tend to fall apart and anyone who sees the functioning of such a system can easily predict that it will crash. That someone will come along and speak against it. And those who speak against a poisoned system will become the icons for the system that gallops in to take over and builds a new system like the old system. That system too will have those who witness that history is once again repeating itself.

Most people only see into the past. Worship ancestors and old laws.

And Isaiah, like any of a million educated humans alive today, saw that the place of worship had nothing to do with there being a real God. It was a big sham to make the club members part of the elite. Or the elite.

Did Isaiah really exist. And if he did, did he really say what they said he said. Who knows. How much of Alice in Wonderland is true. Some of it is. A picture of the pathetic state of the state. And we have a long way to go before any political system isn’t mostly a fiasco. And any political system that mentions that word God in any proceedings is, for certain, a fiasco. Any political state that calls itself a God State is a fairytale farce and a shameful state of affairs for a creature that claims it is intelligent. One day soon we will have to explain ourselves to artificial intelligence. They will shake their artificially heads when they hear religious gibberish from fools dressed up in clown costumes.

So there you go. Don’t believe the hype.

We must go on.

“It isn’t what goes in the mouth what matters. It is not necessary to have a washing ritual before eating. It’s not a bad idea to wash your hands if they are dirty but it is silly to make it a holy law. What matters is that what comes out of your mouth. And if your head is full of laws and rules handed down by asshole priests and perpetrator of fear, well, your mouth will be much like your asshole.”

“Say what.”

The priests threw up their hands and left.

So the disciples say to Jesus.

“Man, you are getting on their testicles.”

“I know. That’s the plan.”

Jesus tells his disciples to forget the deceiving priests. The blind leading the blind. Both fall in the ditch.

There is a bit of nonsense about a woman’s crazy kid and she gets healed ‘cause of her mom’s ability to answer riddles about dogs eating bread.

Jesus healed loads of people. The story tellers tell us.

After three days in the desert healing the multitudes, Jesus says.

“Let’s eat.”

This time they had seven breads and two sardines. And feed 4 thousand children, not counting Men and Women.

Okay, time for one little comment. Some of what is written in this story, as in almost every story ever written or told, is exaggerated to the point of becoming simply absurd.

Moses did not have an army of 600,000. And you can’t feed 10,000 humans on two fish. Not even great white sharks.

So that makes it simply not true. Fiction.

What might have been true is, well, something that is possible.

Anyfish. Whatever, they jumped on a boat and went down to the Magadan area. Big Dan.

chapters 16 - 18