steve howard's translation of the Torah




chapter 31

We almost got the last of megalomaniac Moses. A few thousand years of The Babylon Club. Not long compared to eternity. And perhaps, as they say, a necessary evil. To help land us back in a new universe.

"God said I couldn't come with you people 'cause I got pissed off once and hit a rock with my rod. Don't worry though. God will go ahead of you to prepare for the slaughters. Joshua will be your military monarch. And the Lord will wipe out the Canaanites like he did the Amorites. Be strong. Never fear. Obey. God won't forsake you."

After Moses addressed the Israelites, the last 30 chapters, last 40 years, last several thousand, he tells Joshua the same thing. And he wrote it down and handed out copies of the first version of the Torah. Though it hadn't been yet written in real reality. Moses didn’t write anything. In real reality there was more than one author sitting in the castles, writing for the book. For the people of the book. You can see the style changes. But no matter. It's horror fantasy and could be seen as the first attempt at making a framework, or a foundation, of meaning where before there was little written meaning. In a way, it was a noble attempt. A brutal but realistic start for written language. A virus in many ways but the words and meanings were kept safe from a thousand wars and can now be read by all who can read. The virus can be filtered out of our language.

Moses didn't know about the possibility of the evolution of human language and thinking. He didn’t know what instinct was. He knew soldiers must obey. Like they still do. The grab all you can get game requires soldiers. Just ask any nation that no longer exists because their soldiers were too few or not well equipped.

So Moses made it law that all Israel get together and read the laws every 7 years.

Vs. 10: Every seventh year… 11: … you shall read the Teachings aloud in the presence of all Israel. EQ

What, of course, is completely impossible. Or nearly completely impossible. It would be virtually possible.

In fact, let's set it up. All Jews, Christians and Moslems read the book that was the foundation of western religions and customs. Here for your convenience on the world wide web. Free, from your friends at, and to read online. Download. Make copies and give them to friends. Feel free to print a few copies and read the story of Moses in universities and cafés.

Everybody in the western world should read this. Not for blessings. For knowing your heritage. And everyone who claims to be Jewish, Christian or Moslem.


They, you, we, must understand what our ancestors were about. It is brutal beyond what a child could imagine. But it is about us and we are too dangerous to be ignorant. Ignorance is a tool of war.

Moses gave other reasons why it is law to read the Torah every seven years, but it doesn't matter. If you have read this far for the first time. Read it again. Know what you believe. So that you will no more believe.

God told Moses to write a poem so people don't forget they are soldiers. Sit around and get fat. 'Cause, like we know, the Israelites are a stiffnecked and defiant people. And with Moses out of the way, they were certain to run amok. Turn right wicked and get every kind of misfortune and evil thrown at them.

chapter 32

"Okay, I got a poem, listen up.
Everything I said and say is your law
'Cause I am the voice of the Lord your God
A real bitchin' God like no other.
You lying, cheating, perverts don't deserve
Dull and stupid fools who speak like frogs.

God made Jacob a lying son of a bitch
That's the sort he calls his own.
Peasants that will do all to make the grade
He took the empty shell and made it full
Changed his name to Israel,
The promise land had been prepaid.

And that's it for the poem. It is more redundancy. People get lazy from the fat of the land, forget their fear of God. Sacrifice to demons, no-gods. Shit with no track record. Like in any land. And that ain't good. Gentiles in general are a real bad lot.

And shit about famine, plague, pestilence, killer beasts, venomous sand creatures. The sword and terror.

'Round 'n' round between look what happened or will happen if you don't obey my laws. Bringing in the destroyed cities of the Amorites, Sodom, Gomorrah: those last two being before Moses.

Anywhore, what he's trying to say, and though he is a bald face liar and not even a good one, millions think they believe Moses when he says:

"Look and see that I am He.”

No other gods but Me. I deal death and life. I live forever. Flashing blade. Judgment. Vengeance.

Those who reject Me will make my arrows, now we use bullets and bombs, drunk with their blood. My sword devours flesh.

Blood of the slain and captive from those long-haired enemy chiefs.

He didn't know about the Americas back then. He could have meant any other land near by. In the Americas they had never heard talk of the God of Jacob. Ab and Isaac. Didn't know that there was a god that wanted them all dead. Because they were Gentiles.

They, those savages in far away lands. Gentiles, the lot of them. Were made by God just so the Israelites could kill 'em all. Or use as slaves.

So Moses told them once again to hate all forever. And always follow the laws of the Lord your God.


Anyfish. Moses was to have a look over the Jordan from Mount Nebo. So he could have a look before he died. At the promise land.

chapter 33

Okay. He's almost dead, he got one more little poem.

Moses tell us the Lord came from Sinai. SinAI. A first run Artificial Intelligence Law program. Version 0.1. And in case you missed the roots of this religion. Lightening. And thunder. And most important to all religions: fire. All of them are elements. Making the foundation of this bloody religion quite pagan. Which worked for us before the advent of agriculture and wealth. The invention of the concept of material wealth. Our new religion. And it was worth killing many to get all that was to get. Seen myopically. As it still is our way. Though not much longer. Money walks hand in hand with murder.

Anycunt. Moses wants to bless the 12 tribes. He does it a little prettier than Jacob did.

Nothing new. Moses is fading fast. Drank his hemlock.

So he blesses the 12 tribes and reminds them one last time, well maybe 4th last, that God will be popping in and out from the sky to save the day by destroying enemies of Jacob's family.

Oh happy Israel. None are like you. With the Lord as your shield, sword of victory. Your enemies will cringe before you and you'll walk on their backs.

Rambling war babble.

chapters 34