steve howard's translation of the Torah




chapter 34

So up the mountain Moses goes with Joshua and the new Lord says.

"Look, man. That's the promised land of Ab, Isaac and Jacob. You can look but you die here in the next 34 minutes."

So Moses had a good look and died and the next Lord buried him and didn't make a monument. So no one knows where his dead corpse is at. Like it is with most real and fictitious characters.

Everyone in the family, some 3 or 6 million, cried 30 days. A few didn’t.

And Joshua got to have the wisdom spirit. Moses had touched him in a special way. He bleed on him when Joshua jabbed a sword through the back of his neck. An honorable death.

So the Israelites took Joshua to be their boss.

And thank fuck, even Jesus Christ, maybe Mohammad and Buddha.

vs. 10: "Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses - ... 12 ... great might and awesome power that Moses displayed before all Israel. EQ

And that's the end of the Torah, the Israelite book of ancestors, incest, brother murders, genocide, slavery, fire worship, dictatorship, tyranny and the rest of the vile things we are still so fuckin' proud of.

May the best killers win.

That was then.

Now we no longer believe.

save us jesus christ from this madness