steve howard's translation of the Torah




chapter 28

Now, like I said, if you are smart, you will obey all of my laws. You will be the most high nation on the planet.

Blessed is every city, country, womb, soil, cow, sheep, basket, bowl, comings, goings. The Lord will cut down your enemy.

He'll bless your enemies by killing them quickly.

'Cause you are the holy people. Everyone else will fear you. You gonna have good wombs and cattle and rain.

You will be the head, not the tail.

Now that is if you obey. Worship your one true god. Me.

If you don't.

Cursed shall be your cities, country, baskets, bowls, well then, let’s just say the stuff we just blessed.

And on top of that cursedness, the Lord will let loose calamity, panic and frustration in everything you do. Wipe you out. Bring pestilence to your land, everything on it and you. Consumption, fever, inflammation, burning heat, drought. A sky of copper. Earth of iron. Dust in place of rain.

You shall become a horror to all. Your carcasses being eaten by wild birds and beasts.

I'll give you hemorrhoids, boils, scabs and itch. Chronic. Madness, blindness and depression. You will not prosper and be constantly abused and robbed.

You buy a wife, someone else fuck her. Build a house, someone else live in it. Your grain, grapes, cattle. You lose it to someone else. Someone take your ass from under your ass. Flocks flock off. Sons and daughters delivered to other people.

Abused and down trodden. On and on he goes cursing up a fuckin’ storm.

You who don’t obey My words suck and will suffer for not obeying.

You will be wiped out. Hungry, thirsty, naked destitute.

A nation, what speaks a different language, will fly down like an eagle, A ruthless nation. No regard. No mercy. It will devour all like you devour your enemy. You have no grain, wine, oil or baked cows. Flocks won't lay eggs. Your town walls will fall.

You will eat your children.

A mother will eat her baby and the afterbirth in secret so she don’t have to share.

The Lord will send plagues. Like in Egypt. Patent numbers can be seen in manifest of ‘Secret Weapons of the War of the World’.

And if you think your narrator is going around in circles, half of the details have been taken out. The Torah is a tedious set of rules for desert tent dwellers with cattle, herds and flocks. Slaves. And genocide highlights. Moses leaves nothing out thus making it easy to say afterwards:

“Look, what a prophet he was. He got so many things right.”

“If there is only ever war than history will go on repeating itself. Any asshole can figure out what is going to happen by looking at what is happening.”

“You better obey.”

And the Lord will invent new diseases and plagues to bring against you that we didn't get down in this book. Patents pending.

Mostly because with war taking all resources, there was no one taking time out to learn anything about caring for life’s ailments. God 's wrath, they called it. Some still do. Never mind cures. Or based on reality preventions. Condoms. God forbid we take from the tree of knowledge.

The Lord will enjoy making you suffer and die.

Scatter you around. No peace. No rest. Always in terror. Constant dread. You will try to sell yourselves as slaves and no one will buy you.

This is the deal.

If you do not obey Me.

chapter 29

You aren't getting this, are you. Hear Me, oh you slaves of Babylon.

I brought you through the wilderness. 40 years. You got no bread to eat, no wine or brandy. So you know I am your God.

We've taken the land where we now sit and listen to my speeches. So obey what I say.

All of Israel, leaders, tribes, wives, children, slaves, tradesmen, farmers, herders. And God had given you the land he promised. I make this law for you and your descendants.

You have been in Egypt and other lands and have seen the horrible things they do. Maybe you think it ain't so horrible to do some things, like worship other gods. Do as you please.

You can not do as you please. No one is immune to My Laws.

I will kill you if you don't obey My Laws. We are your overlords for ever.

I will rain down sulfur from the sky like on Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zoboiim. The Lord sent fire over them. Wrath. 'Cause they didn't obey my laws. And brought all the curses written here. Over and over.

And tell your children, if they are suffering wrath, it was likely his great grand father's grandfather that pissed me off.

The Laws of Moses apply to everyone forever. The mighty totalitarian mad father authority dictator game. Believe it till it becomes your reality.

Rule with fear. Terror laws of the voice of Moses, the rod of punishment, the slavery of all to the Babylon ruling class club of kings and their war prostitutes, the priests.

Oh, children of paradise. Awaken from this horror story and turn around.

Moses was a bad dream. A passing black hole in our consciousness. The brink we had to traverse.

Look to the gods. They are waiting to become through us.

Let it be.

chapter 30

Listen up.

If you have gone astray then decide to wander back, the Lord will bless you again in all you do and undertake. After enough have been sacrificed, I will gather you together again and we'll walk right back into the promise land. You will become great again shortly after the great war nearly wipes you out.

So love your God. Cursed be your enemy. You will obey me. I will make you prosperous. Your wombs, cattle, soil.

Surely, you get the fuckin' picture already. It ain't like a mystery you gotta find over the sea or out in space.

Simply. Follow my law: Life and prosperity. Don't follow. Death and adversity.

Obey. Thrive and increase.

Don't obey. Serve other gods. Perish.

Vs. 19: I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life ... EQ

Obey and you get what I promised Ab, Isaac and Jacob.

World domination.

And here, we must admit that Babylon, the voice of Moses, wasn’t too far off. That is, if you believe the hype. If you don’t know that the Federal Reserve Bank is mostly illusion. What we have is an organized crime family. The ruling class. A never-ending war song.

“And do we say that it was the Levies sacrificing other clans to finally bring the Israelite to the promise land.”

“No. They won’t like that.”

Enough with holy wars of murder, rape and plunder.

chapters 31 - 33