john rah essay

The Holy Trinity in Your Head
The Triumvirate story. God the father, son and holy spirit. And in other names. Three in one.

A lazy lizard sunning its self on a rock knows no holy trinity. Its knowing is a singularity. Awareness focus on reacting to environment.

Humans share its brain. Birds. alligators. Mammals all have what we call the reptilian brain. The central command center for perception, reaction and survival function.

Mammals have a layer over this ancient command center for a bit more interaction. Feelings. Primates, some sea creatures, have another layer. The development of intelligence. A place for language.

The holy trinity. Brain core, millions of millions of years in all creatures. Second layer, not nearly so old. Third layer. Practically new. Still a child. Experimenting and discovering.

The trick for humans is to understand that there is much going on in a head. With the brain also cut down the middle, it's not surprising that we get contradiction in our own thinking. To avoid this confusion, often one or two layers gets neglected by its user. Fear of the monsters in dark places.

The monsters are our heritage.

Culture teaches us to free our minds of contradictory perspectives. To ignore the core when it simply reacts. Deny that instinct is good for anything. It just plays tricks with us. Making us do things against our better judgment. Better judgment is still a child compared to instinct.

So where to take it.

How to feed and work with the holy trinity.

What are we getting at.

What we are getting at is there seems to be a conscious effort to hold life down, kick the shit out of it and drain its life blood. Billions of years to get this far, a long way ahead of nothing, and no one cares to celebrate what we have.

Endangered species are slaughtered for sexual lust and fur coats. Kids shoot each other. We poison everything. We become the destroyers. Are we a fighting farm. Before we do ourselves in, a spaceship comes and picks up 10 billion humans to use in extra galactic war games.

Hard to imagine.

More than likely, we are simply ignorant. And bored.

Filled with doubt.

Puny humans. Fear and serve God.

Even if it means the death of a planet.

It's no good.

We decide our reality. And the sooner we decide that the holy trinity is in our head, the sooner we can forget our fears of killer Gods and fear things that are real.

Fear for life.

The planet is suffocating because we cling to ignorance and obedience.

It's okay to have voices in your head. They are yours. They are people you have met.

They are collected over millions of years. Surviving the dinosaurs and keeping them with us in us. Evolving to survive. Surviving not to serve man made lies. Surviving to become the Gods who have the power to protect life on the planet. The one that made us.

There was no meaning before us. Meaning is created by consciousness.

It's a step beyond Physics and beyond biology. Meaning is not the responsibility of a board of directors. Men fabricating bogus lies to make women dogs and nations slaves.

The myths and creeds and religions that we have pieced together are more than nothing. That gives them some meaning. A nobel attempt, some of it. Merchant's lies, the rest of it.

It is not for us to believe what we are told. It is up to us to perceive and speculate. And create meanings that assist us to protect rather than rape our oasis of life. And build new worlds to celebrate it.

The gods will smile back at us.