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... Who eats their children ...

The days where we honestly believe that the Russians eat children, and that was one of the nicer things about them, are gone. Most of us have met at least one Russian who we believe would not fit this stereo type. That is progress. I mean it. The fact that I can choose to believe that people are pretty much the same anywhere is something I might not have been able to learn in earlier times. For many reasons, one of the biggest reasons now is travel and communication. Foreign lands are less foreign now and foreigners are less foreign than we interpreted them only a few short years ago.

As I've mentioned often enough, my knowledge of politics is quite limited. Maybe because I'm lazy but partly because it is something more basic I choose to want to observe. Big news always gets to me. Kennedy died. I knew that, oh, his son. Okay, ya, that is sad. Many people die though. A nation can be sad about his death but I don't see why it is sadder than when my grandfather died. In my opinion, my grandfather was much more important to me and my country than the son of Kennedy, who I believe was also not a bad leader, even if he is the son of a family of criminals. Almost the American dream. Anyone can be president, even the son of a contraband smuggler. Maybe we even like that get rich pirate kind of life. We can share the 'become wealthy and powerful' dream of a criminal family that beats the system. A victory. But it is a strange victory that misses a few important points. One of the points is the point of this letter which is China. Exactly the point that bothers me about the son of Kennedy. The nation morns of his death because the media directs them to and they take no notice that China is planning to invade Taiwan.

Invade Taiwan? No, they just said they are going to visit Taiwan and help them with their financial troubles. Trouble is, they are making much too much money. Oh no. That is bad. If they are making so much money, someone other then Taiwan should own them. Either China should own them or America should own them. China has sent a little note to America that because of the proximity of Taiwan to China, China should be the owners of the dead island that is bubbling in money. What's a bird? A Taiwanese asked. Not the point if the island is a natural disaster, the point is they have adopted the western life style of raping the land of it's resources and reaping the profits. The profits of course don't out way the loss of the life on the island but China does not want to take Taiwan so it can have more park land. There is only one thing the land has, that is money and the ability to make more money. China wants this just like America wants this.

I'm not sure what Taiwan wants, we might never know, they might not know. But I know that what ever happens, we can't honestly believe that Chinese people eat their children, we can't believe that the Taiwanese, having tasted the western world, would think of eating their children and as far as I know, the western world doesn't eat their children. I hope everyone involve in this mess remembers that.

To stray a little more in the direction of Science Fiction horror, which is okay, this is more entertainment than political critique, I've read more Science Fiction than news papers. Not hard since I don't read newspapers. Sorry, I'm getting there. The next point is actually taking the third world war prognosis end of world thing as it's spring board to jump into something on a more humorous nature. The solution. Not my solution. I'll let you know if I think of one, the Bill what's his name, solution.

We are soon going to learn of the third world war inevitability. China vs. USA is interesting in soccer or at the olympics. They both have good teams. Very strong. They have many people in their lands. America has quite a few people raping their continent but it is nothing compared to the numbers living a much humbler life in the land on the other side of the planet. China has a number of people that is hard to fathom. I've heard stories that if they wanted to walk to Moscow with pitchforks, they couldn't be stopped with conventional weapons. Unconventional weapons, such as the first letter of the alphabet bombs, would be necessary. Necessary is a nice word. Nice when it is true. It's not always true. Necessary. Almost sounds like the story in the Bible. Bible? What Bible? Armageddon, that was a movie wasn't it? Don't know about Armageddon, what's that?

I'll let you know. Armageddon is when a very big army decides to take on another very big army. Yes, like they mentioned in the Bible. Like it has always been. War is always death. It always will be. It is a death victory and life usually recovers from the loss but it isn't always easy. Life will not recover from this loss. It doesn't matter what religion you have, the next world war is the end of the world. Call it Armageddon if you wish. I don't like naming it. I don't like that people read that the time is named 1999. That name is also completely pointless. The Earth is millions and millions of years old and we all believe it is 1999. What is a 1999. Nothing except for 2000 year after the death of Christ. I'm glad the Eclipse of the sun is not in America. I'm serious here for a second. I think it would be too much in America.

Let's sum up what we have. We have a dead Kennedy. We'll leave him out because although this is sad because we really did love his dad, and I did as well, it will not kill us. Let's stick to the things which will kill us for the rest of this article.

China wants to take Taiwan with military force, this we know because we know Taiwan won't want to be owned by a somewhat more conservative government that tends away from individual human rights even more than totalitarian consumerism. Individual freedom is hard to take back. Once someone has a taste, they want to have more. At least as much. Certainly not less.

Point one: China invasion of Taiwan. Blood, hate, war. Possible threat of genocide.

Total Eclipse of the sun may seem somehow not an important point but there are too many things connected to it's time point. The Zeitgeist. Jesus died 2000 years ago. Also in a time where people were dying to believe anything. Most people don't think about that but some people preach this sort of thing. Some of those people will have heard that it was an eclipse that made it dark when Jesus was apparently dead on the cross. They will think about this Nastrawhat'shisname and the end of the world. Eclipse two days before the prediction. It's all too much, someone will say. They will start believing in the end of the world.

Point two: Predictions of Christianity paranoia. Nostrawhat'shisname paranoia added to the end of a millennium paranoia. And darkness of the moon paranoia.

Bill what's his name is the humorous part in case you were still waiting for the humor. We also have a problem that Bill invented 30 years ago. First point. Bill does not have much interest in the fight for reality. Even less than most. He most likely hasn't even stopped to think about it once in his life. I don't mean to be mean, Bill has some very good qualities I'm sure. He is like the story of Buddha except he didn't ever leave the castle. He doesn't know what poor means. He has never had to wonder if he has enough money to pay rent. A very real thing that he can not possibly know. I don't say it is better to be poor. I say only that if you never where, you don't know it. And what I know of poor, is not really even a definition of poor, more in the direction of pretty well off. Which isn't the point. The point is, Bill is not concerned with the poor, he doesn't understand them, the only need he ever had was for money and power, more money and more power. Like his father and his father behind him. Ah, before, I think I meant.

It is important to make this point so you at least think about the next one as, although a completely wild idea, not so mad when you realize that Bill has known nothing but money and power his who life. That is all he believes in. That I can guarantee you no matter what he might say when giving out PCs for Kindergarten and putting little Bill chips in their noses.

I've almost given up being anti Christ because I don't see the point in making anymore points about him. He's dead and gone and can't do that much more damage. Bill on the other hand, the one with a mouse on it, the mouse on your ring that you never take off because it is so convenient for all the internet comfort devices you have in your home, is not dead. No matter what anyone tells you, he is living and well. Let's not take time to define 'well' here. He owns a software company, the name escapes me right now. Is someone pulling on my plug. No, don't pull my plug, this is fiction, this is fiction, this is fiction, Bill is not planning world take over. No? No, he has it already.

Oh, did I forget that point. Ya, Bill owns the planet. That is what he believes. And that is what he is going to show us this year. He will save the world. I don't know how, but he will. He will save us from his computer disaster in 00, oh, I didn't know we were going to 2000 after 1999, how come my daddy didn't tell me? His daddy probably did tell him. How he will tie America and China into his take over, I don't know. I just know he will.

Okay, I admit this may be a little fiction like, like all fiction is, but we are on a critical point in our history. Either we remember this in 20 years or we don't. And if we don't, it won't be because we simply forgot, this Zeit point won't be something that can be naturally forgotten. More like we just simply can't remember. There are a couple possibility why. There are always possibilities. That is why I haven't jumped in front of any speeding trains. This is a speeding train we have here now. Either we slow it down so we can get on, or we let it kill us. It won't go by us. We are standing on the track.

How was that for a pretty ending? Slow down this train so we can get on.

Why did we forget point three?


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