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Fish That Eat Fish

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One of the reasons fish eat fish is that there are not very many fast food chains in the oceans or the lakes or the rivers. Eating is often very fast. Nothing is prepared. Often, even the food is surprised.

Most fish prefer, if that is something they can actually do, to eat fish over fried chicken or hamburgers. On the other fin, some fish will eat anything. This feature can be observed where raw sewage is let into the ocean.

Click on the bird to see some pretty pictures.

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Perhaps we will drop in a few other links that do not have much to do with fish. We may also try to get back to the topic of fish. Or we may just go fishing.

Another reasons fish eat fish is because they are hungry. And since they don't have potatoes - oh, forget the fish.

Let's talk about bunnies for a minute. Actually, bunnies are aliens. They have come to this planet a long time ago to set up an experiment. They started with fish and other ocean creatures. Having had such success with the ocean and being tired of always having wet fur, they went on land and started developing creatures there. They did dinosaurs for a time but got tired of them. Then they made humans. They wanted to see if they could create an intelligent creature that went on two legs and used complicate communication techniques. They were certain that if they made them properly that one day they would develop space travel and the bunnies could use the space machines to travel home on occasion. It has almost worked. The humans are a little slow because they spend so much time killing each other. They spend most time trying to be ridiculous.

Some bunnies think it would have been better to invest more time in the development of fish. Now the humans are messing up the place and it is a question if they will master space travel before they master the elimination of each other and the bunnies and fish along with them.