Aaron blows Jose out of the water. Now online.

'Aaron' is a great adventure that starts with our anti-hero lost in an unknown world. He has trouble piecing together his identity. Events take him hostage and manipulate him into various characters. He is an example of a victim of circumstance.

The novel is social political at times. It takes place a few years in the future but not many. Some argue that it is already history. I hope not. It is a look at the state of America from a damaged mind point of view. Aaron has been away for almost eight years when he comes back to America. Because he sees from an outside point of view, he notices things that the populace can no longer see or don't care to see.

The events are all fiction and any similarity to government secret services are by chance. The author does not need to be shot to insure the safety of the country. He may be a little hard on the system but he is a friend of the people.

This book has been rejected by many publishers. Some because they aren't interested in unknown writers. Many have praised the writing but found the story too fucked up. But I can't change that. The story has to be told and the book has to be read. It may offend Americans. If so, it must be read twice so that one can see behind the madness and violence to understand - have you got the picture yet? Just read it. You are worth it. It's better than an all in one shampoo.