Jose Wombat found the lost archives, thanks also to Richy.

February 1999

What is this Internet thing?

That question is the same as: "Are you crazy; the world ain't round and if you think you can get to China by going west, you're in for a big surprise.

Internet is an adventure over unknown waters to uncharted lands; travelling west when it would seem to make more sense to travel east. Like it was for Columbus, no offence to the Vikings who were their earlier and didn't care much about what they had discovered, those who travel west will change our view of the world.

Like the European invasions of the Americas, the internet explorers will destroy many frameworks of belief. Many will drown in the wake of internet. How things are now is not at all how things are going to be. A new land has been discovered and no one knows what will happen there.

One thing is certain. Those who travel their first are the pioneers. They will build the first villages which will become the first cities. They will have the most land and will be the governing forces.

Unlike the Americas, the internet has no definite boarders. The internet has been discovered and those who stake their claim first and build their homes and infrastructures will be the first to reap the benefits of the new land. The land with treasures to dig up and a wealth to be won.

Germany and Their Foreigners

As a foreigner in this country, I think I can say a few things on the topic without getting in too much trouble from the foreigners.

I like Germany. Every land has their problems but I am certain that not many lands are better than Germany for a foreigner. Germany has made more effort than most lands after and because of the second world war. I had a few troubles when I got here with bureaucracy but that is something any foreigner in any land has to expect.

What I don't find good is violent demonstrations of foreign political groups. It is even less acceptable when these demonstrations have little to do with Germany.

The Kurds and Turks have had trouble for a very long time. It is a bloody and ugly situation where both sides add to the trouble. I don't know if there is a solution to their problem. There is too much hate to come to reason. The Kurds have a point, this I will not try to dispute. What the Turkish government has done to their culture is anything but friendly.

This does not give the Kurds a license to make Germany pay for it. There is no justification for taking terror from their land and displaying it in Germany. It doesn't help the situation at home to make the situation worst in Germany. It does not help the attitude of the Germans toward foreigners when raving mad men storm embassies or burn themselves in the street. And what is worse, is that when a small percentage of Kurds act out violently in Germany, a land that has tried to give them a safe home, it makes it easy to generalize the whole of the Kurdish people so.

Stop and realize what this country is doing for you and respect that, be thankful for it and be kind enough to leave your acts of terror out of your political pursuits in Germany. If you want more than you have here, you won't get it with violence.

German Shops

What Germany needs is a good kick in the ass. It's one of the better countries in which to live but almost no one gives a shit. The first thing a foreigner learns is that he has to fight to buy anything here. With a little struggle, I managed to buy a wash machine and the company that delivered it, the two men, were too bloody lazy to make the thing stand on 4 feet. Something that took me 26 seconds. "Not our job." I was lucky they brought it and even luckier that I was allowed to buy it.

I want to buy a computer and no one wants to sell me one. I've been in several shops. I wonder if I jump up and down and scream if someone will pay attention to me. If I had a store here, I would hire foreigners as sales help. 98% of the sales and service and hand worker people here are either too bloody stupid to sell a product or too stinkin' lazy. (I'm trying to avoid "fuckin'" as and adjective). It's the same problem in restaurants and bars.

And this is not just my observation. I hear it from other people who aren't used to the German way.

"But that's how German's are."

Well, you pin heads, you better wake up or sell the country to someone who can run it. Your parents worked hard to get this place back on its feet the last 50 years, don't flush it down the toilet with your shitty attitude. A little pride and friendliness won't kill you. I don't think you realize how good you have it here. If you don't smarten up, you won't have it much longer.

taken from 'Letter to Eva'

A Letter for David:

I will publish your letter in my "writers corner" if you will allow me. I know some of my writing is offensive for Christians.

I was raised in a Christian family and found it hard to get away from this religion. The Bible translation in question is not at all fiction. If you take time out to read the bible, you will learn that it is not a book of 'let's be happy'. It is a book of hatred, genocide, rape, incest, war, oppression and many other horrendous crimes. Most people believe in the bible because they haven't read it. If they have read it, they don't understand it. I have read and studied this book and am very serious in my words against it. Christianity needs a kick in the ass. I wouldn't be so upset with Christianity if it wasn't so evil. Take a look at their history. Take a look at the destroyed lives of the few that survived their assault on North, South, Middle America. Ask the aborigines in almost any land what they think of Christians coming to their land, explaining that all they believed before was wrong and now they must believe a new pack of lies. Christianity is a sickness. Most every religion is a sickness. It beats us into submission.

Don't get me wrong. I don't hate people who are Christians, I love my parents and they gave me a life of Christianity. I don't even think it was all the fault of Jesus. The Romans started Christianity as a way of world control. And it worked. I believe that I have no choice but to speak against Christianity. It is my belief that it is very dangerous. It puts our heads in a box and makes us blind to our inhumanity to man and our brutality to the planet.

I will stop writing things against Christianity when the pope has me shot, (which I am sure will happen soon) or when people stop forcing children and aborigines to believe Christianity.

With all due respect.