john rah letter to

letter 01.24.02

the enemy does not react.

the enemy is ignorance.

one of the things oscar said which was true, is germany shouldn't be the world's fourth biggest exporter of weapons. making weapons is the same as making war. somewhere else.

hey man, did you lose your leg from a german land mine or was it from the usa. land mines are really fucked up things to manufacture. it's a crime. those making the things should spend six months sewing up kids with no legs.


weapons are shitty things when made to murder.

_peace duck stop_

if oscur can change that, he'd get my vote of confidence.

germany is a pretty happening country. europe seems to be moving in a good direction. making plans for turkey to be part of it is almost science fiction. 15 years ago it was. if that ain't something amazing, then, fuck. europe reaching into asia. asia into europe. walls taken down.

walls. what a fucked world when walls cut up the land.

israel. man. that's fucked. palestinians are like the north american, central and south, indians. okay. stop what you are doing, we are moving in.

terrorism. then terrorism against the terrorism. then anti-terrorism terrorism against the terrorism against the terrorism. it becomes a cycle. dogs running around at the other's ass.

who wins.

those selling weapons.

i see this 11,9,01 event as a snapping into wake up and make some decisions, happening. it was asked for. begged for. so the weapons didn't become obsolete. but they fully exposed themselves.

none of what i say isn't being said by no one. wait. everyone knows it's bull shit. unless they have a tv.

_peace duck stop_

fuck me. it's the end of your letter. no shit. i think something like an awakening is happening on this planet. we got serious madness to deal with. nothin' a few billion people couldn't fix in a few years of effort.

not only do we not have to do it like we have been doing it, without thinking about it, we gotta come up with a much more planet survival conducive way to be.

to do it.

still the sanest john rah