john rah letter to

back to 01.15.02

that's what i love on her the most, her instinct.

the rabbit told alice. or he said so she heard, and in this other world, it is what one often hears the best. think of something impossible every day before breakfast. and it might have been the rabbit that said one in a million chance things happen every day. if the chemical man can make one of the most useful plants on the planet illegal so that he can get fuckin' rich killing that planet. it's gotta be possible to shut the genocide industry down.

it could be done in two years.

to be realistic, the oil companies should put their money into the change over.

capitalists would like people like me dead.

or rich.

i'll go for the second. it's simple. it has to happen because there is no choice. we need the oxygen. we can burn only oil that we grow. there is enough to do it.

world wide legalization of the plant which for some cultures, like music, holy.

any ideas how to go about it. does one go to the oil companies and ask them politely to take their money and build space ports. it's not science fiction anymore. we are pissing away too much time.

krissy. will she call. will she come with her angel tomorrow. will she take me to the lake. she knows there will be no barriers there. she might even know. krissy. dante never spoke to the angel that sent him through hell. my angel, i think she's in me some way. she's the woman i wanna be.

maybe i get to be a man.

it seems best for the story.

so you know where i stand. i never believed in angels until i realized they were looking at me every day.

and if you get a chance to see maynard ferguson, do it.

if the oil companies wanna kill me 'cause i call them on their genocide, someone else gotta scream. we can still drive our fuckin' cars. just make them out of hemp and run them on hemp.

i'll take a small bus.

with toilet and shower. bed. anny.

oh my. gotta go to next letter. i hope to see you.

love john rah