john rah letter to

back to 01.12.02

the obvious is shrouded in pointless mediocrity.

and this childish justification for business and political crimes. bushit can't understand why european journalists say bad things about usa's efforts to westernize the east. before you know it, the whole world is west and the sun is always going down but not coming up no more.

less laws and more education.

fuck the corporate world. and their law making.

and buy my t-shirts.

slow it down. what we have is levels of slavery. and piles of shit to wade through. it's fun seeing the picture. being sane in a mad world is real trippy. what's odd is knowing many of the mad ones know, let's quote pink floyd, roger. givin' up a walking part of the war, for a lead role in a cage.

so what. how do you fight the war machine without becoming it.

nobody will believe this. they think slavery is a thing of the past. yet they respond to the question, do you think we need harder laws for plants, they say, yes. more restrictions please. we like being told what to do, how to not think, what to buy and for who to die.

i say. fuck off with your fuckin' stupid laws. and wake the fuck up.

_duck stop_

i put on spinal tap to see if i can listen to the whole cd. i think they mock. sort of sounds like rock unless you are a rocker. or a linguist. no. can't do it. rather some offspring. to close this letter, i will first go disagree with a friend. entertainment.

_bunny stop_

anywhore, you hot thing. sex. it's a thing that reaches into everything, thank fuck, the god goddess of indiscriminant sex among willing members of any fuck fest.

they say, they, them religious leaders, put it aside. i say have a little in everything. the body is an extension of the genitalia. and tits too. so where is my phone call. must i sit spitting out more of this dribble to keep me from no fuckin' madness.

when in rome, protest against the pope.

like this:

stop fuckin' lying to the ignorant bastards who believe a club can claim to own reality.

bushit standing before a cross. i do not understand how the usaers got so fuckin' stupid. you know.

love john rah