john rah letter to

back to 01.10.01

company. most of the rest of them seemed unreachable for me because i didn't share their belief. simple and myopic. had they not noticed where they were, could they not venture to have an idea of their own. in most cases, no.

i remember sitting in church one sunday. after the communion, once a month we had it, our pastor asked if anyone wanna give a testimony. a young woman, teenager still, stood up. beautiful, she was. she explained how she saw a picture of jesus on the cross, though she was so young, she understood, cryed and knew he'd died for her.

it was to me very frightening. like waking up and finding one's self in a kult. christ on cross cult. i was sure she was insane. as so many others.

what the fuck are you one honey.

bobb told me their is a belief gene. some people have it and believe whatever they can. to help them through. if it was only that, i wouldn't still be upset about it. it ain't that. it is a: we are in the one and only true club. all others are evil or misguided.

i was evil. i had been well guided.

evil. such a cheep right of. justificating for genocide and mindocide. now that everyone on the planet has weapons, it is time to obliterate the word from our language. evil for the western mind is the eastern oil lands. for them the evil is the western oil thieves. ah. companies. dick. kill children to instill terror and pump the oil.

fuck you bushit dick and the rompinthefield. just say. we are gonna fuck you over if you don't give us the oil, gold and the rest. if the simple people need to believe something, keep your fuckin' evil hands out of it.

any christian leader not fighting to get religion out of politics is a hypocrite and a lazy prick. read your own book for christ sake. for simple christian sake. bushit has done more harm for christianity than paulsaul and the roman popes.

i think you should just scrap it.

but a billion dollar business ain't easily scrapped.

the lies are so obvious. it is time we wake up.

it was just a story about a rebel.

_bunny stop_

letter 01.10.03