anny howard




chapter 19

I was just thinking about taking some black and white photos of Anny naked, or in made to drive you crazy undergarments. I must admit, I don't mind stockings on legs. White with a pretty trim. Garters, I don't know. I like the free bum look of a woman. And with them lovely tits, maybe a low cut white simi transparent. I can't imagine I'll get her to let me sell the prints. Maybe if she gets a percentage. 50:50 on the profits.

Now that sounds like a fuckin' nice business.

So how do I approach the woman.

"Hi. I'm into photos and I'm pretty good taking pictures of people. How 'bout you take a look what I got. Get back to me. Bring assorted underwear. Don't worry about clothes. Sure I want to fuck you but if you don't wanna fuck me, I don't really give a fuck. I'll hang your picture on the wall and have a wank."

"Alright. 50:50."

Dream job. Let's see if I get it. I'll ask the unemployment ampt what they think.

"We'll send you all our hot unemployed single mothers and baby sit the kids."

What many people don't understand is ah, I saw me forgetting that and just enjoyed seeing it slip away. Now, I see it again. And how I see it. How we see it. And how we describe it, matters. It may even be the first real start to matter aware.

And it really is up to us to write our future and do an honest job of it. Ironically, when one drops religion and understand that as one of the animals on the planet, one is part of the life of the planet. And one blunders around and realizes, holy shit, we are here and this is heaven and it is eternal and all I have to do is be here and I'm one of the masters of this moment. What I do will influence eternity as long as I can see that I am one of the things in it.

And in case I haven't mentioned it. Jesus said that 2,000 years ago. As did others.

"Heaven is at hand."

We are evolving. If you look, you can see it.

chapter 20

For the students who are doing a book report on this Joyful Philosophy thing which I may subtitle it. I love the idea that someone will want to understand what I write. It is one of the reasons I dwell on clarity.

"Heaven is at hand."

Usually, in this life, I would quote what the Bible says Jesus said. "The kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

Jesus would not say that. Kingdom is what has crippled us. To put it in a quote with heaven is a literary attack on meaning. And it should be noted that up until we were aware of it, a kingdom was a thing which we could play at.

But it is a lie. There is no king of the heavens. Not an over everything else, Lord. Everything inside of it is part of it. The laws of physics and survival are the laws we need to pay respect. There will be no kingdom.

There will be heaven. There was and it is. But most of it is cold as or as hot as hell. No air. Nowhere but on a very few places.

For now. Planets and orbiting space station. Orbiting Earth. They will soon orbit the sun, spreading out ahead of and behind the Earth.

"I have a great grandfather who was born on Earth."

"What he do."

"Kept fighting the system till it evolved into what it is now."

Now that could be almost anything at any time. But if I manage to get one thing into the future it is the reminder to the reader that a real god will be surrounded by real gods and they will see that they know, by instinct, that they are yet again aware that it is them that are there. As we are here.

And if real Italian Ice-cream isn't one of the nicest taste sensation. Well maybe there wasn't an Italy on your life supporting planet or construct. In it.

chapter 21

Evolution and reincarnation are two words for the same thing. Everything in the universe is the same basic energy, mass, space, some time and ask real physicist what all. All what it was becoming what we are and continuing on. With nothing new under the sun.

'Sept us. The beasts aware.

There are many ways to perceive the information the senses can take in.

I remember so well so many things like they never stopped happening when they didn't appear to go on. The first time I saw into Anny's eyes it was a shock. Everything became clear. At the time it was enough to know I was in the wrong marriage. The more important point was the woman I had conjured in my attempts at writing, was there in front of my eyes. And somehow not for the first time though it was the first time in this life.

"We are here."

It isn't what she said. It is what I have understood. Which makes her an Angel. And to not love an angel seems futile. And that is the ticket. To see we are the Angels. Brutal, of course. But it's us becoming the gods. And the biggest event since taking hold of fire is taking hold of our language. And whatever other point I just dropped. But it is the language that we need to care about. It is the key to take us out of the kingdoms of lieing pricks straight into heaven.

Protect your language with your life. The gods will not be pleased if we take away their chance now that they have seen it.

chapters 22 - 24