steve howard's update of the new testament


The Letter From JOHN

chapter 01

If one forgets the meaning of the words and concentrates on nothing and everything, one feels the pushing and pulling. Like sitting on a swing.

And this may seem unlikely, but it looks like the writers have tried to warn us that the Emperor is an evil prick. When one reads into the meaning behind the rambling there is a very clear warning that Babylon has the power and we have let them have it.

“They got the guns, baby, but we got the numbers.” Jim Morrison.

“We’ve got to take the power back.” Zack De La Rocha.

vs. 5: God is light, and there is no darkness in him. EQ.

If this is to be understood we will have to guess that God is the sun. And for this to be true we must change physics. One might guess there is no darkness in the sun. For it doesn’t appear to have darkness.

The sun does have darkness. Concentrated and equal to the brightness. It is all packed into neutrinos. Little bits of very solid darkness. And right now as you read this, these very small bits of solid darkness are traveling right on through your body and the earth at the speed of light. For, though they are dark and nearly impossible to notice, they are the particles of light. And the universe is swimming in them. Or better said, they are swimming through the universe.

Which doesn’t matter. It’s just matter. The dark matter of light. We just wanted to take a minute out from bitching to have a little physics lesson. Knowing the world is important if you want to avoid being a slave.

“Too late.”

“No, I could be wrong, I was once, if I remember correctly. The timing is about right. They, the over pricks, are very drunk on their hope of taking complete control of the world. They will be a little surprised to see billions objecting all at once.”

God is a concept. It is more than anything justification for the ruling class to be above the law. Stop believing. Save the world.

Let us site The Federal Reserve. There are many who believe, like they do in God, that this is a Government function to make money based on the value of gold reserves. It is, however, a private above the law organized crime racket. They are the reason J. F. Kennedy was shot in the head. He wanted to base the U. S. dollar, and even printed some bills and coins, based on something real. And it would have made America free. But the tyrants do not want America free. For the tyrants, police state dictatorship is much more profitable. And human lives, as crazy as it may seem, are of no importance. Absolute power is what these maggots want.

You are a slave and you are being fucked over by the ruling class. Mutant maggots that feed on the slime off the shit of the slugs from the open sewers of hell. They believe they are the only creatures that matter, however, they are the only creatures that this planet must be rid of. 20 billion people could live in relative luxury if the ruling class was eliminated. They must be eliminated and it must happen now.

The Federal Reserve and their associates have created an end of the world scenario. They have created debt out of a vacuum. They have printed money based on nothing. They have designed an economic collapse to bring the world to it knees.

Literally. They want another dark ages of desperate slavery. Ruling class and police state government controlled consumer idiot slaves.

“They aren’t hearing you.”

“Wake up. We must kill our televisions and talk face to face and wake up. The Jacob world-wide shopping mall of hell is for real. We must call on our inner Esau and take action.

Vs. 8: if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us. EQ.

If we say that the ruling class is looking out for our best interests we are idiots. They have been fucking us over for thousands of years and it is their intention to keep doing so. We are slaves. And trillions of dollars are being sucked out of the system into the hands of the criminally insane. The banks are robbing us like never before in history. We are moving into a New World Order tyrannical police state. At accelerating speed. Billions are being starved to death and the ruling class has stolen all the wealth. Put an ownership stamp on the whole world. This sounds bloody science fiction but it is our present reality. Governments are puppets for the owners. The new president like the old president.

And they are smiling venomous snakes. Do not trust your government for they have been bought and paid for by the giant corporations.

Get informed.

chapter 02

vs. 6: whoever says that he remains in union with God should live just as Jesus Christ did. EQ.

This might have some truth in it. Jesus rejected his religion. He rejected law. He repeatedly said, ‘Heaven is at hand.’ ‘The Kingdom of God is in you.’ He rejected inhibitions. He loved life. He loved relentlessly. He did not judge class differences. He was befriended with prostitutes and tax collectors. He communicated, learned and taught. He had sex. He had children. He had time for women and children. He loved to have a meal with friends. Even after getting down off the cross he asked what there was to eat.

Jesus was an animal. He was Esau Carne. And his God was Life. And he allowed life, the angels in life, to show him the beauty and eternity in life.

And if we live like that, then there is truth in verse six.

There is no truth to Jesus on a cross in a church. There is no truth in a creed that declares it is the one truth. And one does not need to know of Jesus to find the eternity in Life. And we need to stop killing people who don’t want our comical consumer work all day every day for the man world we claim is Christian.

Vs. 8: … For the darkness is passing away, and the real light is already shining. EQ.

The darkness does not want to pass away. The rulers of darkness might need a little help in their passing. The real light has just started to shine as we leave the house of darkness. John was likely written not so long ago but the real light of awakening, the house the astrologers called Aquarius, has only the last few decades seen the first rays coming over the horizon. Or better said, we have just left the cross and entered the front garden of the next house. Spring of 2009. And though the whole thing seems unreal, it gives us our first real chance to open our eyes and see.

“What if it is all bullshit.”

“Most of it likely is, but the awakening is real. We are about to shake off the paranoia of monotheism and the pagans shall jump up and help the believers back into heaven. The end of monotheism will be the end of slavery.”

vs. 11: But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness. EQ.

And those who make slaves of the masses are a pack of evil pricks.

vs. 17: The world and everything in it that people desire is passing away... EQ.

Jacob’s world of lies is passing away. The grand illusion. The age of blind obedience to random ridiculous laws made by mad men. And we can see this happening, feel it coming on. The gods are demanding their kingdom back. And the new world without the ruling class is real and tangible. It is evolution and instinct, very godly beautiful parts of the real. Without them there would be rock and water. Only. We are the angel beasts and need to see it to shed the claws of darkness that hold us as we leave our cages.

vs. 18: ... many enemies of Christ have already appeared, and so we know that the end is near. EQ.

The enemies’ end is near. The end of ‘It’ is never near. Eternal reoccurrence. Uncountable universes coming and going.

“It does not matter what colour the president is, a charlatan is a charlatan.”

“What do you mean.”

“He has sold out. He has stuffed the sheep with lies.”

“Are you sure.”

“Never. But he may very well be the one they warned us of.”

vs. 22: Who, then, is the liar? It is anyone who says that Jesus is not the Messiah. EQ.

Jesus most definitely has brought the message. The clear warning that the priests and lawyer are the whores of the ruling class. He did not say render onto Caesar what is his. And if he did he was being sarcastic, for he said look for what is Caesar’s in the mouth of a fish. There is nothing in the mouth of a fish that Caesar wants. Caesar wants to be God. Ultimate dictatorship.

chapter 03

vs. 2: ... we are now God’s children, but it is not yet clear what we shall become. EQ.

That’s pretty true. As long as God is the word we use in exchange for Life. It’s the job of Science fiction writers to guess a little into the future.

But they don’t know what we’ll be. Will there be communication between species. Will we build great jungle cities around the sun. Will we build grand starships. What evolves beyond life.

What will be when we harness the energy of the universe.

Vs. 4: Whoever sins is guilty of breaking God’s law, because sin is a breaking of the law. EQ.

Is this clear. Sin means breaking the law. And who makes the law. It all started with the Moses character. Before him in other dictatorships as well, but it isn’t the details that concern us. It is the concept that God made the laws. True madness. This is written in the Moses story as the Lord more often than God. And the Lord was Moses. Lord Moses said. And he repeatedly said, or the writers in Babylon repeatedly wrote, this is the law for ever. Every random ritual was made into law for ever. No questions asked. Question and you die. Total tyrannical dictatorship. And that is what God is. Justification for tyrannical dictatorship.

The clergy works with the military police force to watch you and tell you what to think. Get the fuck out of the church and kill your television. And wake the fuck up.

Vs. 7: Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God. EQ.

This would have to be a different God than the God of law. And to keep it simple. Love comes from the second layer of our brain. It is in us inherent since several million years. Long before we discovered fire. It is older than our thinking part of our brain. We have been a social animal a very long time. And loving it.

“How many layer do we have.”


“Could this be the holy trinity.”

“Possibly. It makes us a new creature. Above dualism.”

“What’s the first layer.”

“The core of our brain is called the reptilian brain. The oldest part. Every creature with a brain has the same basic equipment. The screaming lizard. Motor functions and the rest. And this is the only part a lizard has. And this could be why Jesus often referred to the priests and lawyers as snakes. Creatures unable to love for they are missing that part of the brain.”

“Maybe the ruling class and their lying whores really are lizards from hell.”

“They certainly act like it.”

Vs. 12: No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in union with us, and his love is made perfect in us. EQ.

There is a damn good reason no one has ever seen God.

“Didn’t you see her once.”

“I saw only a glimpse of the eternal.”

“That wasn’t the impression I had.”

“Well, it is of no significance. God does not want worship. God wants us to become what we can become. The gods. Than we will see her in one another.”

vs. 14: We know that we have left death and come over into life. EQ.

“We know that we have seen the light.”

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, man would see things as they truly are, infinite.” William Blake.

We have been born again. And again. Like Jesus tried to explain in the story. There is nothing new under the sun. In the universe. There is but variations on a theme. And energy is the mother of everything.

We don’t know what our bodies will be in 86,004 years from now. Or 964,724. In 5 billion years. In 30 billion. We think in 4 year terms of office for presidents of the dark Empire.

They, it, is already history.

john chapters 04 - 05