steve howard's update of the new testament


Paul's second letter to the CORINTHIANS


chapter 04

The Gods gave me this job.

vs. 4: They do not believe, because their minds have been kept in the dark by the evil god of this world. EQ.

This is a typical backwards statement. What it would have to say to hold any truth would be: ‘They believe because their minds have been kept in the dark by the whores of the warlords.’

“Who are the whores, again.”

“The propagators of belief.”

“So Paul.”

“And the rest of the priests. Less we forget: Jesus Christ was outraged at the priests and lawyers. It was the priests that had him executed. Or so the story goes.”

“So, Paul, being a priest son of a priest is then a whore son of a whore.”

“That’s how Jesus Christ put it.”

“We would be in agreement, then, with Jesus Christ and not Paul.”

“You got it. Christianity is anti-Christ.”

Paul goes around in circles like he always does blaming God and Jesus Christ for his gibberish.

Believe, have faith. Do what you are told. It’s mindfuck.

Religion is a bad business.

And the reason people believe the nonsense of religions without question is because for many generations, those that didn’t at least pretend to believe got cut down. Believe and obey and work for the man or die. Military dictatorship. Israel is still a military dictatorship with a several thousand year old hate contract on the people of the land they have invaded. As are most all countries to various degrees. And we are all slaves to various degrees. Living under the fear of religion and law. Imprisoned by debt. The wealth of the world stolen by the warlords. The ruling class. Kings Queens Lords.

There are still so many fools that believe the Jews are the chosen by God race. They are not. They, the military force, are still myopic murdering tyrants with a fairy tale as their justification for invasion and murder.

“Are you anti-Semitic.”

“I am anti-monotheism for it is a vile lie. A justification for genocide and plunder. With no exception.”

Religion sucks the life out of us. It is deserving of no respect. Fight against it and save the planet from their tyranny.

chapter 05

In case we haven’t mentioned it, there is much at stake here. Our language and spirit are two parts of one thing. And the bible is not written by idiots, as most atheists like to think. It is much more brutal than that. It is warfare on the mind through meaning terrorism.

Jesus Christ was very much trying to explain that we are here in the real. Heaven is at hand. It is not somewhere else that we need to get to so that we become the creatures we desire to be. Or the creatures the story sells us. It is always and idea of a garden paradise. Which would be here if the friends of Jacob would stop there terrorism against the wild.

Vs. 1: ... God will have a house in heaven for us to live in, a home he himself has made, which will last for ever. EQ.

This is a fairy tale. It is not the teaching of Jesus Christ. It is the lie that says the super real place is after we die. A luxury hotel. However, life is where we exist. We, nothing, exists in death. Death is the in between. No perception in death. This needs to be understood as how it is. Paul, Moses and Mohamed are telling a lie so that those in a shitty life will put up with it and believe that the ruling class is chosen by God.

To avoid going in circles refuting what Paul says, let us look at Abraham, the father figure for all three monotheistic idiot slave religions.

The story of him whoring his sister-wife out to a King in Egypt before she was of age when she could bare children we have heard often enough and we know Abraham was a sheepherder. We will pick up to the place where he is sitting up on a hill overlooking Sodom and Gomorrah.

He is sitting in his tent with his sister-wife Sarah and her handmaid and her son who is eleven or twelve at the time and along comes the Lord with a few other Lords. The ruling class.

“My Lords, I am so honoured that you visit. The women will prepare us something to eat.”

“Sarah is going to have a baby next year. You are going to call it Isaac.”

Abraham understood. Sarah was a little nervous.

Abraham and the Lord talked about the sheep and the Lord was pleased with Abraham’s work. The wool, milk and meat they collected were pleasing to the Lord.

“If I had more grazing land, I could have twice as many sheep, my Lord.”

They sat under a tree and looked over the grazing land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Two small, walled, city-states that had rejected the protection taxation of the Lords.

“Then I guess, my good servant, we will have to get you some more grazing land and a few more sheep at the same time.”

“My cousin Lot lives in Sodom, could you tell him and his family to go before you destroy the two towns.”

The Lord sent a few of his men to warn Lot of the slaughter. All the business about the city folk wanting to bum fuck the soldiers is simply bullshit. It is the justification written into the story so believers will find genocide acceptable. Children, babies, bunnies, puppies, kittens, young maidens, women and men. All were to be murdered because that is what warlords did when they wanted land for any reason.

So the Lord sent his men down to Sodom. He sent Abraham and the boy out with the sheep and he raped Sarah over and over to make certain that his sperm took root in her womb.

We all know that Lot finally consented to being dragged out of town by the visiting Lords. Lot then took his two virgin daughters up into the hills to rape them. There are those who will argue that the two virgin daughters got him drunk and seduced him. This is a lame euphemism and would be considered statutory rape in almost any court of modern law.

What most people fail to realize is that if the two towns were destroyed, it was not by an act of God to punish them for sinning. That is bloody naïve.

What might have happened is that the soldiers circled the two towns and with catapults and arrows flung oil, fat and what all over the walls and burnt the places to the ground. Fire was the quickest way to wipe out a town. And this method is one of the oldest and most used. Even in resent wars firebombs were used. One bunch of apes burning another bunch of apes and then writing history books and religions to proclaim how fucking great they are.

If the event told in the story was a real event. It was a brutal slaughter by humans against humans of the same species. Madness. Not one little bit justifiable and not one little bit holy. Genocide is genocide no mater who does it.

And for something completely different to think about is what God means. Very often it means ‘I don’t know’. There are some who think it comes from an old forgotten language that translated to ‘ask the vultures’. Why ask the vultures. It was a pagan belief that they knew.

“You’re making this up as you go along.”

“No. I thought about it in the bathtub this morning. But it was not a fantasy; it was based on knowledge and probability calculations.”

“Go on then.”

The vultures, of course, were the creatures that often accompanied one into death. When bodies were thrown out of camp or when soldiers fell in battle, the vultures were quick to eat their flesh. And when someone was nailed to a cross or not dead yet in any other situation, they would be assisted into death by vultures ripping out their eyes and tearing off their flesh.

The belief was: they were the Gods. The last judgment. They kept the secrets and if you were alive when they started tearing at your flesh, you could ask them what they knew and they were happy to tell you.

“So you would know the secrets of life just before you died.”

“Exactly. And the trick was to remember it.”

“How could you remember it if you were taking your last breaths.”

“By staying alive as long as possible while you were being ripped apart and eaten.”

“But still you would be dead.”

“Let me tell you what I remember from when I was Esau.”

“You remember being Esau.”

“I’ve always been Esau. In the life where my father was the bastard son of Sarah, I had fallen in battle and was left in the hot sun. I knew I was going to die and I watched the vultures circling above me. I yelled up to them not to wait, I wanted to know.”

“And did they come.”

“They always do. I lay very still and waited until they hand landed. The biggest and oldest one approached to pluck out my eyes and I grabbed it by the neck.”

“Did you kill it.”

“No. There was no point in killing a creature that wanted to clean my flesh from my bones when I was dead. I looked into its eyes and it knew I was not going to kill it. I only wanted to know one thing.”

“What was that.”

“When would the war between brothers be over.”

“And did it know.”

“The vultures know. And this vulture was pleased with my question and pleased that I had accepted my death and had not grabbed its neck in rage. It told me my day would come. That the wild beast’s day would come. It assured me all animals were of the same flesh. It told me that in many lives to come, I would meet Jacob again and we would know one another as if for the first time and it would be love that would showed me it was him. That our meeting would be the dawning of the age of awakening.”


“It has already come to pass. The conflict of all those thousand of years has come to an end. There are still a few battles. There is still abuse of paradise but we are awakening. The beast has been set free.”

“That sounds like a mad fantasy.”

“If it wasn’t the truth it would be. The real is fantastic. Much more than we can imagine.”

“How did you remember.”

“I let the vulture go and rolled over to hide my eyes in the sand so that I could hold on just a little longer. Protect my brain as long as I could bare the pain. Over and over the vulture told me the same thing as it ripped off my ears and tore the skin off my neck.”

“That’s bloody crazy.”

“It is. But the secret of the vulture is that it has eaten us over and over. We are already in the eternal. Our heavenly bodies are flesh and bone. And yes there is pain and suffering but there is bliss and euphoria. And as we awaken and become the gods, we learn to love it all. There is no good and bad. There is life and death.”

Many people believe heaven is a safe place where there is no danger. Where everything is perfect and there is nothing that needs to be done. An eternity of singing praises to the bugger that demands to be called God. That, when understood, is hell. Exactly backwards to the story. The mirror image. It is not heaven they sell us but hell. Ruled by the most vile of all megalomaniacs.

Our real heaven demands participation and effort.

The idea of working and praying and obeying all the rules of the ruling class is a big fucked up lie. The heaven that they want to sell us in exchange for a life of obedience and service is a hell of nothingness and eternal boredom.

vs. 10: For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by him. EQ.

Alarm. Paul being backwards. He told us Jesus is the same as Moses. And that is a serious mind fuck. It is an insult to Jesus Christ and Esau Carne.

vs. 13: Are we really insane? EQ.

This is not a funny question. It is exactly what ‘they’ are. Fuckin’ insane. The story of a fuckin’ criminally insane family. If we bust out of religion at light speed, perhaps we can say religion has served the purpose of acceleration.


“Okay. Imagine you are light years away from home and you need to get back for any reason as fast as you can. You can’t do it with the thrust of you spaceship and there is only one way to increase your acceleration to jump speed quicker.”

“Are you going to suggest falling into a black hole.”

“No. And not a worm hole either. All too risky. Fall into a star. But not straight into it. Just a cunt hair to the side of it. It is risky but the computer will calculate which trajectory. And with the tremendous pull of the gravity of the star, the ship is flung to jump speed quicker and saves the years it takes to reach light speed.”

“I thought light speed was the fastest speed.”

“It is an imagine story. And light speed isn’t the fastest speed. Protons can be in two places at once. But never mind the science, just wonder if the horror of religion may have helped us to accelerated into the age of awakening. I’m not saying I know that is has, only that I suspect that it might have.”

And for this possibility only, is religion good for anything. For it has been only holding us back with our thinking. Maybe, just maybe, it was necessary to wait till now to awaken.


“Maybe it would not be good to awaken before we had entered the house of enlightenment.”

“Sounds crazy.”

“Maybe, but we are in. And when we know we have landed in heaven the pain it took to get in will seem well worth it.”

chapter 06

Paul said he was a liar. And he asks if he is insane and the question is redundant. There are so many complete absurdities. So much contradiction. So little parallel to the real world that is open to investigation.

A megalomaniac knows a megalomaniac when he reads one. He hated women. This is not a good sign.

Paul is definitely criminally insane like what Christians would call the devil. And this evil creature has made a lie of Christ and your narrator is inclined to take it personally.

Vs. 4: Instead, in everything we do we show that we are God’s servants by patiently enduring troubles, hardships, and difficulties. 5. We have been beaten, imprisoned, and mobbed; we have been overworked and have gone without sleep of food. 6. By our purity, knowledge, patience, and kindness we have shown ourselves to be God’s servants – by the Holy Spirit, by our true love, 7. by the power of God. We have righteousness as our weapon, both to attack and to defend ourselves. EQ.

Paul goes on but we must interrupt to reproach. The troubles they tell us they have gone through were usually over written but for certain a result of free choice. Paul was not told by Jesus Christ to make an update on the Laws of Moses. And his little hardships were nothing compared to the hardships of the millions and billions that have struggled from the sea to consciousness. Primates have been fighting a hard fight for a long time. We have never had it so good as now. And many still suffer under poverty and oppression.

As for purity, who can boast such a state. Jesus Christ said, ‘I am not good.’ As for knowledge, Paul and his friends have set out to destroy knowledge. They propagate mute obedience and mock those who look for knowledge. And as for righteousness, he means self-righteousness. And self-righteousness stinks much worse than a field of pig shit. Paul, the impotent, has made many rules against the body. Very similar to Moses. The same framework of any dictator who wants to make impossible rules. To attack sex is to attack evolution and instinct. It is immoral madness.

The only thing protecting Paul and his cronies is ignorance and military police force.

vs. 10: although saddened, we are always glad; we seem poor, but we make people rich; we seem to have nothing, yet we really possess everything. EQ.

And that is almost true. Read it twice if you didn’t catch it. ‘We seem to have nothing, yet we really possess everything.’ That is the Jacob/Israel curse. To own it all. The world covered in a shopping mall. The ruling class, the makers of the God laws. And the rest shall be slaves.

Well fuck you Paul.

The bitch is back.

vs. 14: Do not try to work together as equals with unbelievers, for it cannot be done. How can right and wrong be partners? How can light and darkness live together? 15. How can Christ and the Devil agree? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? EQ.

“You fuckin’ self-righteous limp prick. You and you fuckin’ insane rules of idiocy to believe. Wake the fuck up you fuckin’ myopic anal retentive lying little shit.”

Jesus Christ hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes. Because he did not judge. They were all of the same family. All learning to be conscious primates that were looking to enjoy being in heaven instead of looking to have a heaven that was and is a lie.

Vs. 16: “… I will be their God,
And they shall be my people.” EQ.

Paul. You are the devil.

The devil that slaughtered the name of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ. The man of peace and love who proclaimed that heaven was at hand. That we are in it and only need to see it to know it. Only need to know to see it.

Vs. 17: “You must leave them
And separate yourselves from them.
Have nothing to do with what is unclean,
And I will accept you. EQ.

Hate propaganda from the murdering men’s club. Follow our rules and you will be approved as worthy slaves that receive a fairy tale story of paradise at the end of your life.

Well, you myopic frightened believers wallowing in paranoia, it is a lie. What is is what is. And no matter how pretty the picture of what isn’t is painted, it is not. So stop murdering those not in your men’s club you pathetic morons.

God sanctified fuckin’ war machine. That is the age of ignorance. Get updated and for those who have eyes, open them and see. Those who have ears, well you know.

Paul. Fuck you. You stay dead. You go out with the dodo bird and the tyrannosaurus-rex.

second corinthians chapters 07 - 09