steve howard's update of the new testament


Paul's first letter to the CORINTHIANS


chapter 16

Well then, Paul closes off his letter telling people to collect money for Jerusalem.

Vs. 2: Every Sunday each of you must put aside some money, in proportion to what he has earned, and save it up, so that there will be no need to collect money when I come. EQ.

This, by the way, is not a command of Jesus Christ. This is what is called the business of belief. And it is a very big business. And it is tax free.

“Why is it tax free.”

“Because Constantine made it so.”

“Why did Constantine make the church tax free.”

“Because he murdered his son and a few others.”

“That sounds like a shitty reason.”

“It was a big bribe. The rich simply get away with murder. He gave the church the power and cursed, made legal the murder of, non-believers. The church, the synagogue and the moshe are the privileged prostitutes of the warlords. Not a new thing. Jacob made a deal with the priests that he would give them ten percent if they did his marketing campaign.”

“They have done a very good job.”

“The biggest bullshit marketing campaign in written history. Monotheistic religion is the most accepted organized crime business there is.”

“Not as big as the banks.”

“Hard to say. The banks are mostly built on debt and most of their presumed value is virtual. Religion owns the minds, the souls, untold wealth, land, life and death.”

vs. 23: Whoever does not love the Lord - a curse on him! EQ.

“Which Lord. Lord Paul. And as you say yourself, who the fuck are you to judge. Fuck you and your cursing of everyone who doesn’t want to join your fuckin’ women and children hating and murdering men’s club.”

Who the fuck do you think you are.

Maybe the God’s piss in your soup. You are a wide opened asshole.

second corinthians chapters 01 - 03