steve howard's update of the new testament


Paul's letter to the ROMANS


chapter 04

Believers. Wake up. There is one indisputable truth that can no longer be denied. And it is this.

We are here. Now.

Write that on your hand and memorize it.

Paul continues his field of shit letter using the word God in 47.6% of the sentences. And he makes us want to believe this is an entity that took favour in some fuck up named Abraham when his wife Sarah finally had sex with a Lord passing through on his camel. He tells us Abraham had faith in God and that made him righteous in the eyes of God.

Vs. 3 The scripture says, “Abraham believed God, and because of his faith God accepted him as righteous.” EQ.

Well, back then it was the Lord. And the Lord of the land was the big boss. He told Abraham what to do. Abraham had his bit of wealth from a King who fucked Sarah. Paid for her tight virgin vagina.

Vs. 10: When did this take place? Was it before or after Abraham was circumcised? It was before, not after. 11. He was circumcised later, and his circumcision was a sign to show that because of his faith God had accepted him as righteous before he had been circumcised. EQ.

And he circumcised everyone with a penis. Slaves included. And his teenage son that he had from Sarah’s personal slave.

vs. 13: When God promised Abraham and his descendents that the world would belong to him ... EQ.

He was a lying tyrant. A hateful murdering genocide warlord. Read the Torah, for Christ’s sake. And for you idiots that haven’t noticed, humans are not the only creatures on this planet. It belongs to no one. And for certain not a jerk that marries and pimps out his little sister.

vs. 17: “I have made you father of many nations.” EQ.

Bullshit. The Lord was a Godsdamn liar. The world does not belong to the fuckin’ inbred sperm worshippers with their foreskins cut off. And Isaac, the son he wanted to murder and burn, was not his son. The Lord raped Sarah. Abraham pimped her out. Twice.

Vs. 15: The Law brings down God’s anger; but where there is no law, there is no disobeying of the law. EQ.

Oh. Well thank Moses for fucking random laws.

Vs. 19: He was then almost one hundred years old; but his faith did not weaken when he thought of his body, which was already practically dead, or of the fact that Sarah could not have children. EQ.

He might have been 40. No one lived much longer than that up until very recently. For the idiots, let me explain. If Sarah could not have children, she would not have children. Now hang on. Sarah couldn’t have children until the Lord finally came and made it happen. Until she reached puberty. She was pimped out to a King when she was a little girl. When she was old enough she was pimped out again to carry a child of a Lord. Not her half brother Abraham.

“How do you know this.”

“I have learned the language of the Torah. It is an old fairy tale. And when they write that a woman is too old to have children and a while later a Lord comes by and rapes her and tells her he will be back in a year to see the kid, it is simply not true that she was too old before then. Too old to have babies is a euphemism for prepubescent. And yes, little girls were used for sex at a very early age. We might even speculate that rod referred to penis. Moses jerked off before his father, the Pharaoh. Sound crazy. Crazy is to not examine a book that has influenced the world. When the wife of Moses smeared the blood of their son’s mutilated with a sharp stone foreskin on the arm of Moses. Arm is used as a euphemism for penis. Moses found in the reeds is a euphemism for the Pharaoh raped his daughter. And she made up the story so that she didn’t have to kill the child.”

“What, the Pharaoh raped his daughter.”

“Yes. Exactly that is the story. And the Lord that came to make Sarah pregnant was riding a fucking camel. Women, as they still are in many countries that hold to dark-age monotheistic religions, were possessions. They were not and are not considered people. And rape was much more common than rain.”

“Bloody hell.”

“Exactly. The raping men’s club has made paradise into a bloody hell especially for women and children. When Sarah, Ab’s half sister, had Isaac, she sent her handmaid and Abraham’s teenage son away with a piece of bread and a skin of water.”

Fucking righteous pimp, is what Ab was.

“Holy fucking Scriptures my ass. You will recant, you pricks.”

chapter 05

Fighting ignorance builds character(s).

AH Paul goes on about faith. The word God goes up to 52.6%. He tells us God was angry with us. He means the Moses story. And starts in on how because Adam sinned. As in Adam tasted from the tree of knowledge. And that one sin, tasting from the tree of knowledge, was the beginning of death.

Vs. 12: Sin came into the world through one man, and his sin brought death with it. As a result, death has spread to the whole human race because everyone has sinned. EQ.

In a way, Paul is almost right. One has to step back just a little from the story, see that it is a story and then understand that with the beginning of knowledge we started to understand death. We had lived and died for billions of years already. It was not that the first death happened. It was that we started to comprehend the significance. And it scared the shit out of us. Perfect opportunity for liars to take control.

Now the trouble with beginning to understand death is, not understanding enough to get the full, or even a clear partial, picture. And just as we might have had the chance, assholes come along and make religions telling the frightened apes now aware of death that after death they can go to the best place of all forever if they are good apes and do the work that they need to do to get there. Which usually meant go dig resources out of the earth, make swords and kill other apes and steal the minerals and virgins they have.

vs. 13: where there is no law, no account is kept of sin. 14. But from the time of Adam to the time of Moses death ruled over all mankind... EQ.

That, when understood, is the truth. Adam means start of consciousness. Before then there was only survival. Animals with no fantastic worries. Don’t see it black and white, sin is a concept.

The biggest trouble we have is that we are suckers for an easy way out. And grab onto the first nicest fantasy. And if there are no good ones, a shitty one will do if they promise to kill us if we don’t believe it.

So religion was propagating obey or die. Obey is bounty forever. Disobey is misery forever.

God was pissed with everyone because Adam tasted knowledge. Okay. So far God is a big bad mother and baby killer up in the sky. Then comes along Jesus Christ. And again, we will ask the believers to forget just for a second that Jesus Christ was one super hero come save the day kind of fellow. He was a rounding out of the picture we have of death.

And that is. We are all born again. This is not a magic trick that is new. It was always so. We as beaten slaves haven’t yet had the chance to see it. And if you don’t kill your television and ignore the shit of the media, you still won’t see it. You will continue to cower in a fantasy.

Vs. 17: It is true that through the sin of one man death began to rule because of that one man. But how much greater is the result of what was done by the one man, Jesus Christ! All who receive God’s abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ. EQ.

vs. 16: “Not guilty!” EQ.

We are free of God’s wrath now. He can be our friend once again. Now we must remember that God is not a big ass hole up in the sky. And this was the message of the Christ. In many stories, not just the Christian Bible. The message is: the Kingdom of God is in you. It is not something you need go out and find; it is not something a religious leader can give or sell you. Heaven is here and now. We simply need to learn how to see it and know that we are eternal. We have landed once again in a virtually new universe. And we are the fucking gods.

vs. 20: Law was introduced in order to increase wrong doing... EQ.

Law is big business. And it keeps the ruling class the ruling class.

Vs. 21: So then, just as sin ruled by means of death, so also God’s grace rules by means of righteousness, leading us to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. EQ.

No one owns Jesus Christ. You can’t go on down to the church and pray to a cross and have him come into your heart. He, or it, is not something from out there somewhere. It is already what you are. Just see it. It is the knowledge of coming back from the dead. Only in life do you exists. And if there is something beyond life, we will all get there together in several billion years. It is a question of evolution. From energy to fire, then mineral and chemical. Then life. That took about 7 or 8 billion years. Then came now. The knowing. The awareness of being. That was 13.7 billion years.

“Give or take a few thousand years.”

“Yes. The point is: there very well may be something after life. Beyond the awareness of being. We’ll have to wait and see.”

“Until then we are free to enjoy life, right. Jesus Christ paid the price.”

“That’s what the book says. From now on we no longer believe, we perceive. And we find our god and our magic in us.”

“And the rest of life.”

“Yes. The rest of life.”

chapter 06

vs. 1: What shall we say, then? EQ.

“How about, shit piss fuck. My dog got hit by a truck.”

Then now we say. Alarm. The planet is being killed by us. This is not a point we can ignore. We are directly responsible for our actions. We must turn from our ignorant ways. Be aware of what we are where. Know that heaven is here and now and we must protect it from us first. Then we must protect it from disaster.

vs. 4: ... just as Christ was raised from death by the glorious power of the Father... EQ.

Change the word Father for Life. And see that life has been one thing evolving. One mass of a thing. Becoming many yet still one. All here on one planet. 4 billion years of reincarnating life. Ever and always, ‘sept cockroaches, mutating. Evolving from not yet one cell, not yet very aware creatures of life. In what looks like a march toward the heavens.

“We were born before the wind, yet younger than the sun.” Van Morrison.

People, we are loosing far too much in our quiet obedience.

vs. 9: For we know that Christ has been raised from death and will never die again - death will no longer rule over him. EQ.

Or, the fear of death will no longer cripple us for we know that we are always a part of life. Hell holds no life.

vs. 12: Sin must no longer rule in your mortal bodies, so that you obey the desires of your natural self. EQ.

This, we need to take literally. Sin, or the concept of sin. The fear that we are not worthy. We can throw that all off. So that we can allow our natural desires to be fulfilled and enjoyed. It is natural to want to eat and drink and touch. Have sex.

vs. 14: Sin must not be your master; for you do not live under law but under God’s grace. EQ.

For easier understanding. Translate Life for God whenever possible. Life is hard but it is not angry. You live because you can.

“For what purpose.”

“To enjoy the universe. Learn and grow in the grand adventure.”

vs. 15: Surely you know than when you surrender yourselves as slaves to obey someone, you are in fact the slaves of the master you obey – EQ.

Paul is on a roll. Back from the master of a shit storm to very beautiful clarity.

“So now you like Paul.”

“Paul is the thrust. He is the Super Jew. Neither Jew nor Christian. A paradox machine. A king of contradiction. A dueling dualist. An alarm clock.”

vs. 22: But now you have been set free from sin and are the slaves of God, and the result is eternal life. EQ.

“Right on, Paul.”

“I don’t wanna be a slave.”

“The kingdom of God is in you. You are a slave only to your nature. You are also the master of your mind and when you know yourself. Know what life demands of you. It is also the freedom to participate in it. Be the part of it that is you. Not what someone tells you to be or do. Like Michael Ende said, ‘You must do what it is you will to do.’”

romans chapters 07 - 09