steve howard's update of the new testament


The Gospel According to MATTHEW


chapter 25

Tyranny Oppression Rape And Hate. The holy TORAH. And Jesus, in the age, one of many, of relative ignorance, wants to crack the restraints. If the story is true. And something like it is always true somewhere always. Someone always says to them selves: Someone has to try something. Stop the screaming and take in some air.

So he tells the story of 10 vessel virgins and one available man. It’s an analogy like all his stories. Be prepared. Always. Which in itself is true enough. In the story the five that weren’t prepared lost out. And the five virgins that were prepared all went in to the bridegroom.

Which sounds like every man’s fantasy.

Then the story about the servants with the money from their Lord and he goes away and 2 doubled the cash he left them. The third hid the cash for fear of losing it and fear of the boss who could get real mean on occasions of displeasure.

He gave the two more and the one who did nothing he took all away.

Which is the story. And I can almost hear the preacher’s words and explanations. I find it simple Moses logic or do we say, the protestant work ethic. If you do the work that you are told to do by the man, he will reward you with more work and some status. And those who don’t perform as the theater has been written, will be thrown out.

Vs. 30: And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. EQ.

Holy Capitalism. Holy Gold Mania. Everything to be put a price on from the fish to the human. This is the holy Judochristislam capitalistic imperialism. God ordained the rich to be rich rulers and God chose the servants to be slaves to the holy Judochistislam law.

The rest of this chapter is more Moses logic. Separate the sheep from the goats. Let the sheep graze the fields, make cities and pay taxes.

Burn the goats. Forever.

Promise the sheep an eternity of bliss, the goats an eternity of hell.

But we know this is nonsense and Jesus would know too that it was nonsense. Pushing meaning into simple opposites is no longer where we are at.

Matthew was a tax collector. Perhaps he was written as thou he thought this way. Many Jews still do. As do Christians and Moslems. Black or white. Good or bad. Kill or be killed.

Life is forced into a dualistic quantum concept. Everything is either or. Such a parameter makes intelligence a curious thing. And a dangerous thing for a ruling class slave system.

We can choose how to witness it. We can and do make a difference. At such an early date in a universe, we are simply very brilliant creatures. Too brilliant to bow to masters that demand ignorant obedience.

Do not obey.

chapter 26

“Everything has been arranged. To be dramatic, I will be handed over to the Jewish priests to the Roman military. By my baby brother whom I love and am well pleased. He has always been with me. As have you all.”

The top priests and elders plotted his public execution. They knew it was a bad day to do it but it had been arranged with the Roman senate and Jesus Christ.

A woman, this ignoring of names of women is typical of the Judochristislam hate religions, the woman in question was the woman, lover, of Jesus Christ. Her name was Mary Helene Magdalene. She and Jesus had children together. She was not pleased that her man was to hang on a cross and be put in a tomb. But she wanted to prepare him for the event and it was a custom to poured perfumed oil on bodies before they were stuck in a tomb. So Jesus was prepared for his burial. The disciples thought the oil could be sold. Money for the poor. But more than anything, they were very Jewish and didn’t like that Jesus loved women and children. To be fair to the disciples, it was likely written that way later. The writers that came along later didn’t like that women and children were always bidding for the attention of Jesus. And Jesus never hesitated to give it them. The brothers and friends of Jesus were not likely women and children haters or Jesus would have had no time for them.

There will be those who say that Mother Mary was a virgin thou she had at least 7 children. And that Mary Magdalene was not a significant character in the life of Jesus. Some priests have even suggested she was a cheep whore. Not that it would matter. But many fools who are too lazy to read the book they claim to believe accept this as fact. When in fact, the woman was the woman of Jesus. And the seven devils that were said to be cast out of her by Jesus were their children.

Shame on the priests for propagation hateful lies.

So, because it had been written, Judas had asked for money to sell his brother to the bloody priests.

So the Jewish rebels, Jesus and his twelve, went to a friend’s place to celebrate the unleavened bread tradition Jewish slaughter Egyptian bloody holy event.

“Go to the man in the city and tell him to set a table for 14, 16 if he and his woman will join us.”

“What man.”

“Jeff Jones, my friend, the builder.”

Jeff was happy to have them as he always was. He gave them wine and bread but had previous engagements with his woman’s family.

“I have chosen my brother Judas to betray me.”

Judas cried and laid his head on the shoulder of his big brother.

“Jesus, brother, I wish we could just go away. Why must I bring the snakes of hell to take you away.”

“We can’t run now, my brother, we won’t be remembered if we run away.”

“Why must we be remembered.”

“To give others courage to fight Tyranny, Oppression, Rape and Hate.”

“They will hate me forever. They will curse my name.”

“Not when they know themselves. One day someone will see the lie of the establishment and their holy books of deception. They will understand that I asked you to betray me for you understand that it must be done. And I can rely on your timing. And when in 2000 years I ask you to do it one again, know that I am coming down from the cross to stay down from the cross and a new age of enlightenment will come and your name will be given to children again.”

“How the hell will I remember that in 2,000 years.”

“I am certain neither of us will remember until after it has happened but the angels will show us when the time is right. We are not alone.”

So they ate, had a chat, then a song and went on out up the hill with olive trees.

Jesus laid it on Peter that he would have to reject him three times but not to sweat it, the show would soon be over and the battle to keep the priests from plundering heaven would go on.

Peter didn’t believe it. Don’t worry brother. It was inevitable so pardoned ahead of time.

Jesus lost his nerve a little, completely understandable, and wanted some time alone to think about things. He took Peter, James and John, his brothers, and asked them to watch out for Judas and the priests while he flipped out a little. Allowed the madness and paranoia of thousands of years to escape him. To become oblivious to his own identity and see himself as one of many and the one that was chosen to represent those who had no voice. The rest of the animals. And he was both humbled and pleased that he had been chosen for such a roll in the theater that was to eventually bring an end to religion and ignorant servitude to the poisonous vipers of the ruling class who tormented and tortured the rest of life for the simple pleasure and profit of it.

He cried out to the angels that watched over him. And when he was done lamenting over the inhumanity of the men’s club he thanked the angels for allowing him the opportunity to dedicate his life to fighting the laws of Moses.

He went back to find his brothers sleeping.

“Hey, Judas will be here soon with the soldiers, let’s appear as thou we show an interest, my brothers.”

“Sorry, Man. I don’t think I’m cut out for this mad theater.”

“The situation, not me, not God, demands your participation.”

Jesus saw the fear in his brother’s eyes when he came with soldiers carrying swords and clubs.

“Peace be with you, brother and teacher.”

“Have no fear for me my brother. Kiss me like you told them you would and let’s get this over with.”

“I love you, Jesus.”

Someone cut off someone’s ear and Jesus told everyone to chill. The thing was being done.

“I am not a criminal. I will come peacefully.”

This was what the script had said. The script written by Jewish writers to protect Jewish law and tradition.

The Jewish priests and lawyers with the Roman soldiers. Sounds like Europe with the American soldiers. The games of the ruling class, selling law and order as if they were the holy crusaders.

Think about this, for those still not convinced the theater was a theater. There was no need for the Jews to play their part in the theater if they didn’t have an interest. They could have Jesus killed or arrested any time. It was a collaboration to give credence to the laws of Moses and maintain their holy authority. And if you look at the Church, especially the Vatican, nothing is at all different. The priests are still the holy dictators of insane laws acquiring wealth and waging war on the minds of the ignorant.

Which could be interpreted as a brutal loss for the poor bastard on the cross.

But he knew his enemy. He simply had no choice. It was worth a shot. Eventually religion would be exposed.

Anyfish. They take him to a palace. Caiaphas, the high priest.

They wanted an official blasphemy call.

“So, you say you are going to tear down the temple and in three days build it up.”

“So what.”

“In the name of God, you are under oath. Answer my question. Are you the Messiah, the Son of God.”

“Oh, for fuck sake, I don’t follow your oath nonsense and I teach that you are all a pack of lying vipers of hell. I am the bastard son of Herod. The prick raped my mother.”


“You will see me in an airplane before I tear your religion of ignorance apart.”


“Blasphemy. We need hear no more.”

“Let’s kill him.”

“Good idea.”

So they spat on him. That’s to show that they are more civilized. And anyone who does not submit to the laws of Moses is scum and must die. Spare the sword, spoil the hoard. But the cross was to be the next fashion accessory so they wanted to hang him.

Peter does his three denials before morning, then cried.

chapter 27

Well, Jesus woke up in the morning, though I can’t imagine he slept too much. I’d guess he slept a little before he woke. And Jesus would be in a semi-trance. Forcing himself to believe it was too late to call it off.

They put him in chains and took him away.

Judas threw the money at the priests, 30 pieces of silver. To finish his part in what the Jewish writers had written. They used the money to buy a plot of land and this is so much like the Torah that is borders on plagiarism.

Judas lost his nut. It was all too real, this mad theater. He didn’t believe he could bare the curse on his name and hung himself. They tell us.

Vs. 11: And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest. EQ.

That is the same as, ‘you said it man’. This is a bit of a mess. He was a messiah. As in the man with the message that there must be an end to the tyranny of the ruling class that uses religion to keep the slave class ignorant and obedient. He rejected his birthright to be the king of the Jews. He made mockery of the old theater. Just like William Shakespeare did. And so many other writers and artists of other venues throughout the ages. To be continually ignored.

Oh. Man.

So Jesus stands before Pilate, the Roman Governor.

“So, are you Jesus Christ. The great Jesus Christ. And you don’t care to defend yourself against these crazy accusations. You wanna be hung up on a cross. ”

“That is what I want.”

Pilate shook his head. He found it amusing that Jesus didn’t answer any of the silly accusations. He just stood there and watched.

Pilate was going to set one of the many waiting for crucifixion, this was a very common way to die at the time, free to make the crowd happy. They wanted Jesus Barabbas.

Now there are people who believe this was the son of Jesus. Maybe. They would rather the son lived. But I don’t believe it. Not if Jesus is 33. On the other hand. Jesus might have been 42 or 54. These holy books have a tendency to get numbers wrong.

And anyway, Jesus didn’t want to be set free. Jesus wanted to change how we think and behave. He was not going to let the Jews let him go. He had made damn certain they would put him on a cross. The Jews might have hoped he died up there. The Romans would have been interested in having him not die. He was simply worth too much to them for his work on public opinion.

The priests got the crowd to cheer.

“Crucify him.”

Pilate, accepting some advice from his wife, backed out of the theater.

But he had Jesus whipped and put in the custody of his soldiers.

The crowd, they tell us, took the responsibility for his death. A little odd since they were cheering his arrival into Jerusalem as a hero of the people just the day before.

Now the story says that in the governor’s palace. Pilate is governor less we forget, they dressed Jesus up in a red robe, mocked him and spit on him. This isn’t likely. Writer’s liberty. To hide the real story. Hide it deep so it would be a long time before anyone worked out the probability factors. They likely sat down and went over details.

“It’s going to work Jesus. One day people will sit around and wonder about the man they called Jesus Christ. Who knows, one day we might stop beating each other over the head.”

“Are you mocking me.”

“No man. I’m with you and I’ll make certain you don’t die up there.”

“Thank, Gov.”

So they walk on up the hill and put him up on a cross. They gambled for his clothes so not to miss any part of the script. And this is also not normal. To have three on their own hill. Usually the numbers were greater and the ordeal was more off hand. Hang up a few hundred for show. Let the dogs and vultures eat their flesh. Scare the slave class into quiet obedience. Same shit as always. Now the system tends toward prisons. Prisons are a big business. And people have learned to be obedient and don’t need to see dead people hanging across the landscape. Least not every day.

But let’s stick to the story.

“He saved others but he can’t save himself.”

“Ain’t he the king of Israel.”

“Well, ya, he is. But who knows what that means.”

Those involved in the theater would know of a pending eclipse and would use the opportunity to make a show of Jesus up there at the right time for the dramatic effect. More than likely, however. It was a writer’s liberty.

He screams from his pain. Even if he is tied and not nailed. Which also is a distraction detail.

“Esau be avenged. End to the illusion of race and class. We are all brothers and sisters.”

So they gave him his vinegar. A fine drink in the blasting sun. Likely something to slow his heart beat. After the eclipse which did not last 3 hours. 12 minutes maybe.

Soldiers ripped the curtain in the temple. And some really absurd things like dead people jumping up out of their graves.

They didn’t. Dead people don’t jump out of graves.

The soldiers declared him the son of God. Though he was actually trying to be the father of gods. No matter how long it took and how many times someone hung him or anyone like him on a cross.

Vs. 55: There were many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee and helped him. EQ.

Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary. And we won’t name them all for there were many. And the significance of this is often ignored.

Jesus was a hero to the women. Not because he was a porno star. Because he loved women and children. He knew them as equal. Something many men still have trouble understanding 2,000 years later. Men are not above women and children. That is the lie of religion. And the women were there to say thank you for being with us. Jesus Christ. And not against us like men of religion.

Joseph, one of his disciples, grabs up Jesus after 6 hours hanging. Not to be eaten by vultures. With permission from Pilate. Who knew it was too soon for Jesus to be dead. Which is a good thing for the only way he was going to leave the tomb alive was if he went in alive. It is physics.

He was, in keeping with quantum thinking, either alive or dead when they carried him off to the new freshly cut into rock tomb.

Now that, friends, is an undertaking requiring much money. And man hours. Even if it was only big enough for 3 or 4 people to walk into.

Regardless. Irregardless as our preacher liked to say. His body was not there when they pushed the rock in front of it. Dead or alive. It does not matter now. It did for Jesus and family then. Not now.

What matters is: 2,000 years later, people still have crosses around their necks.

A rather silly habit, but he ain’t forgot and slowly we are understanding that what he said, some of it is still true. For other reasons.

It is simply necessary to care when others live under tyranny. In poverty. A species forever trapped in hate and genocide can no longer be an option. We have to start breeding that out of future generations. Or we will not be around to evolve.

And how Jesus wasn’t in the tomb is no nevermind.

Either he was up to go on ahead to Galilee or they could simply put it in the story when they finally got around to writing it years later.

chapters 28